Excel 2007 on server


Louis Yeung


I am planning to write a service application (in the MOSS server) to get a
Excel 2007 template from MOSS, make a copy, insert data into cells,
recalculate the whole worksheet, save two copies (Excel 2007 and Excel 2002),
and save them back to MOSS. I use MOSS OM and Excel 12.0 Object Library.

Does the server need to install Office 2007? I know MOSS has its own Excel
Service runtime. I assumes the Office 2007 runtime does the cell insertion,
calculationg and saving. If so, how does the runtime get into server? Is
there anything to watch out when programmatically invoking Excel such as

What is the licensing issue with respect to running applications with Office
features in a background/server scenario?

Thanks in advance.


Louis Yeung

After reading more, I believe I can use the System.IO.Packaging API to change
cells values as my template Excel is stored in xlsx. This seems to be the way
to play with Excel files without the Excel 12 runtime which is actually a COM
EXE. Well, do I still need to use Excel 12 COM EXE runtime for recalculation,
change named range, and saving to Excel 2002 format.

Is it fun :-<

...Louis Yeung

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