Excel 2007 - Page layout view is not compatible with freeze panes


Barb Reinhardt

Can someone explain what this error message means? I'm guessing the
workbook was being saved as a compatible version when the error occurred, but
haven't tested it yet myself.

Barb Reinhardt

Bernard Liengme

Hello Barb
In XL2007 with an XLSX (not compatibility mode) file, I froze a worksheet
from cell D5 - I got 'crosshairs' on the screen.

I clicked the Page Layout View tool on status bar (very useful addition to
The message is "Page layout view is not compatible with freeze panes. If you
continue the sheet will be unfrozen. Do you wish to continue?"

I clicked Yes and the worksheet is in Page Layout without frozen panes.

If you think about it, frozen panes and Page Layout view at the same time
would be impossible or at least very strange!
best wishes

Bonnie Moore

I just found this out the other day...and wow, I see we are way late obviously in finding gliches and coming up with questions for the newer Excel software (5.23.12).
I disagree about the idea that if the frozen pane and print preview worked at the same time it would look weird...I find it a hassle to have to unfreeze my spreadsheets that I always keep frozen at the top for column titles - when I want to just do a quick page layout view. I wouldn't be formatting or anything at that point, I just miss the magnigying glass or w/e it is or was to toggle back & forth from one view to the next. Maybe I can find a way out of this. If someone does, or already has...please respond.

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