Excel 2007 - Problems using print preview and PDF/XPS conversion without having a printer defined



I have an annoying bug that I have been able to reproduce on 2
distinct XP machines, by simply installing Office 2007 as usual on
them. Both times I opted to only install Word, Excel, Outlook and
Powerpoint with all other options left at their defaults.

The problem is that:

Excel 2007 seems to refuse to print preview or convert to PDF/XPS
formats (combined plug in is installed) unless the machine has a
printer defined. The printer does not need to be functional or present
in any way - there just seems to always have at least one printer

Print previews/conversions in Word and Powerpoint do not seem affected
by the problem, it is just Excel.

I have been unable to find anything relating to this in the known
issues or after a good few web searches. Anyone have further details
on this problem?

Many Thanks.

[cross posted from microsoft.public.office]


Nobody encountered a similar problem?

I have been able to repeat it multiple times now...

Jim Rech

Sorry no one responded but I imagine that most of us have printer installed
and are reluctant to remove them to troubleshoot the problem...

| Nobody encountered a similar problem?
| I have been able to repeat it multiple times now...


Well, its only a minor annoyance - just it would be good to know if it
is something specific with my hardware/setup or something needing a
fix in Excel.

Surely at some point during the beta's it was installed on a machine
without a printer defined? :p

Maybe not...

If anyone bothers - drop the results in here, just as a curiosity.


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