Excel 2007 - Send a selection as a mail Message Body



Has the feature "Send a selection as an e-mail message body" been
removed from Excel 2007? I can see how to send the whole worksheet as
an e-mail message body but not a selection


Thanks Ron, I tried that but it only gives you 2 options when selected

1) Send the entire workbook as an attachment
2) Send the current worksheet as the message body

On 2003 you could select a range and just e-mail that area only as the
message body

I'm assuming it can't now be done on 2007. Do you have any code on
your Web site that sends a selected range. eg. if I range an area,
then action code that sends that selected range as the message body?
My issue is that I have one file who's range that I have to e-mail out
changes each week, so I don't want to hard code in an area that I have
to change each week

Ron de Bruin

2) Send the current worksheet as the message body

Choose this one

If you have more then one cell selected the button say this
in the second dialog the button say "Send this selection" now


Thanks Ron, yes it worked like that, I thought when I saw the whole
sheet included within the message body, that it would send the lot

Ron de Bruin

Hi Seanie

I create a bug report about it.
I hope they will change the caption of the button in the first dialog in the next Excel version


Good move Ron, you expect each each new version to improve on the
last, but this particular aspect seems to be a backward step, in
particular when its not intuitive that it does as before

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