Excel 2007 UDF crash



When I create some UDF and use the function wizard to make a nested call (one
UDF calling another) my excel crashes. Ive been using this in excel 2003 and
earlier and never had such an issue. I can make a nested call by manually
entering the whole function call so I assume it has something to do with the
function wizard evaluating as you enter parameters.

Any suggestions other than not using the function wizard?

Niek Otten

I can just confirm this behavior. The same with CTRL-A after the open bracket.
I think it's a bug.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| When I create some UDF and use the function wizard to make a nested call (one
| UDF calling another) my excel crashes. Ive been using this in excel 2003 and
| earlier and never had such an issue. I can make a nested call by manually
| entering the whole function call so I assume it has something to do with the
| function wizard evaluating as you enter parameters.
| Any suggestions other than not using the function wizard?


Is there a way to log this as a bug or find out if the microsoft developers
are aware of this so it can be fixed in the next sp? I could not find a KB
article on this when I did a search.

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