Excel 2007 using combo Boxes



please can someone help me, In Excel 2003 i used Combo boxes which were in
the forms tool bar and in format control had a cell link used for counting. I
cannot find in Excel 2007 the forms tool bar or Combo boxes with the cell
link, Can any one point me in the right direction of how to use combo boxes
in Excel 2007

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

please can someone help me, In Excel 2003 i used Combo boxes which were in
the forms tool bar and in format control had a cell link used for
counting. I
cannot find in Excel 2007 the forms tool bar or Combo boxes with the cell
link, Can any one point me in the right direction of how to use combo
in Excel 2007

I **think** this is the equivalent... Create you list of item as before;
click the cell where you want the drop down to appear; then click the Data
tab on the ribbon and click the Data Validation icon in the Data Tools
section; and select "DataValidation..." from the drop down list that
appears; select the Settings tab on the dialog box that appears; select List
from the items in the Allow drop-down box; and select your source range in
the Source field; finally, click OK. When that cell is selected, the
drop-down arrow will be offered to the user so they can select from the


Roger Govier


You need to have the Developer tab showing.
Round Office button>Excel options>Popular>Show Developer tab on ribbon

Developer tab>Controls section>Insert>Form Controls

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

You need to have the Developer tab showing.
Round Office button>Excel options>Popular>Show Developer tab on ribbon

Developer tab>Controls section>Insert>Form Controls

Well found! I am still trying to get used to where Microsoft "hid"
everything in 2007... I am not finding it easy sometimes.<g>


Roger Govier

Yes Rick, it can be a bit of a task at first, but after a while all does
seems to fit into place.
I had a short period of trialling an addin which put the 2003 menu
system on a Tab, but I didn't continue past the trial period.
I decided the Ribbon was here to stay, so better get used to it. If I
continued with the addin"crutch" I would never get round to suing XL2007
as it should be.

In spite of all that others write, I like XL2007 a lot. <g>

Roger Govier

Before you all leap in!!
I would never get round to suing XL2007 as it should be
wasn't a Freudian slip<vbg>

Fat fingers again, should have been
I would never get round to using XL2007 as it should be

Peo Sjoblom

Well if you are going to take legal action (suing) XL2007 you might want to
learn as much as possible about it <vbg>

Frankly, there are some parts of it that I like but other that I find
Some dialogue boxes are so deeply hidden it will take many more clicks to
reach them. Although the developers strived for ease of use I don't think
they succeeded, for instance how is it easier for let's say the average user
you'll frequent in these newsgroups with different fileformats, I am not
talking about vis-à-vis previous version, that is obvious since the overhaul
of specifications etc but within the new fileformats having a macro
fileformat. I know the reason is safety but it is not easier.
The lack of any way of customize it without having to go to 3rd party
commercial programs is really bad.
I use it because I feel I have to, I will never like the UI.


Peo Sjoblom

Roger Govier

Hi Peo
The lack of any way of customize it without having to go to 3rd party
commercial programs is really bad.

I thought this also, until I attended a session at Microsoft UK, where
Nick Hodge gave a fabulous presentation on how easy it is to customise
the Ribbon.
Nick put his PowerPoint presentation on the UK Office Users Group site
and also some downloadable example files

Ron de Bruin also has information on customising the ribbon at
as well as creating Menu's for Macros, and adding tot he QAT

Yes, I agree some things do seem to be long winded, but that hasn't
seriously annoyed me. I have always been a great fan of Pivot Tables,
and the improvement in the PT interface and ease of use for me,
outweighs all of the other grouses.
The other things, well I guess they will get sorted out with future

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