Excel 2007 VBA Pivot table fetch records



I have a table 'tbl_Final' in MS Access 2007 where the data is used
and cached in a pivot table found in the 'Data' worksheet in MS Excel

In this MS Excel 2007 workbook, I have various worksheets reports
which links to the pivot table values found 'Data' worksheet.

I linked formulae in one of the cells found the worksheet reports,
looks like this:


Lets say the cell value total is: 1000

So, In pivot: 1000
In worksheet report: 1000

If I go to pivot table where this '1000' value is and double click on
this value, MS Excel builds another worksheet with all the individual
transactions that makes up the '1000' value.

If I then go to the '1000' value found in the worksheet reports; this
link, when double clicked, will NOT
build another worksheet with all the individual transactions that
makes up the '1000' value.

Question: Is it possible using VBA to build some functionality in MS
Excel to allow the '1000' value found
in the worksheet reports, when double clicked, on that cell to build
another worksheet with all the individual
transactions that makes up the '1000' value?

Prehaps its like querying from MS access to MS Excel using the cell
parameters ine the SQL.

I'm not sure how to write this MS Excel VBA logic if doable.

Any help appreicated

Many thanks in advance.

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