In Excel 2007, a macro has the following at the beginning of the code:
Range("A4", Range("A4").End(xlDown)).NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
When I run the macro, it gives the following error message and the debug
points to this line of code
Run-time error 1004; Unable to set the number format property of the range
I do not see any problem with this code. Any help will be appreciated.
I have run the SP1 thinking that it might solve the problem but it has not.
For testing, I removed that line of code and ran the macro, it then again
stopped at the following line:
Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
The error message this time was run-time error 1004 , You cannot use this
command on a protected sheet....
To begin with, the sheet is not protected.
Is there still a flaw in Excel 2007 with VBA macros that has not been taken
care of in SP1 ?
Range("A4", Range("A4").End(xlDown)).NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
When I run the macro, it gives the following error message and the debug
points to this line of code
Run-time error 1004; Unable to set the number format property of the range
I do not see any problem with this code. Any help will be appreciated.
I have run the SP1 thinking that it might solve the problem but it has not.
For testing, I removed that line of code and ran the macro, it then again
stopped at the following line:
Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
The error message this time was run-time error 1004 , You cannot use this
command on a protected sheet....
To begin with, the sheet is not protected.
Is there still a flaw in Excel 2007 with VBA macros that has not been taken
care of in SP1 ?