Excel 2008 crashes on save to xls



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

This is similar to a previous (now closed) thread specifically on pivot tables but I have had the same problem without pivot tables - namely, when I try to save an xlsx as an xls it either crashes excel on save or (one time) when I try to reopen the file I managed to save.

I deleted all worksheets with graphs and all formulae so just a bunch of data sitting there - about 1000 rows and 90 columns.


Pat McMillan

Would it be possible to send me a crash log from the Microsoft Error
Reporting window (click More Info, then copy/paste the full log) from when
Excel crashes? If you could send me a file that leads to the crash that
would be even better.


Pat McMillan
(e-mail address removed)

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