Excel 97 Access Violation!



Hey guys

I am running Excel 97 on Windows NT here, and am trying to develop a
generic application to handle various contexts of data, dependent on a
series of source files located on a server.

My code dynamically generates lookup formulae that determines the
correct values for the users requests, then pastes them as values into
a sheet - essentially meaning the book can be full of lookups, but only
for a few seconds whilst they evaluate. When they evaluate they are
converted into text fields containing solely the values. When the
document is saved, there are no lookups active (as they have all been
converted into values at this point)

My problem is I keep getting a Dr Watson error, citing an 'Access
Violation', from 00000005c to some other hexadecimal memory reference
point. This occurs everytime I try to reopen the document, but does not
occur at any time whilst I am working on it. Loading the document in
Office 2000 works a treat, it is just when i try to open it in 97!

There are approximately 6 sheets, and about 800 lines of VBA code over
about 9 modules

I have had a look at the Dr Watson error log, where it states the error
is occuring on the Function 'Ordinal 44'. Now Ordinal44 means absolutely
nothing to me in the context of this development. Does it mean anything
to anyone here?

I see from browsing various forums online that no-one appears to have a
solution - I hope that is not because people have given up on the issue!

If anyone could shed some light on this issue I would be very very
grateful because frankly it's starting to do my head in. Don't get me
started on why I'm a developer working on such a poor infra-structure
in a top UK company.

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