Excel , Access or off-the-shelf database package?



I am hoping that the much more experienced here can assist me to
determine where I should go with my current usage of Excel.

Some explanation of my system I think will help.

Over the years, I have been using quite a number of separate excel
sheets to assist me with the storage of numerical data for numerous
reports - weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual.

As I possess a very limited knowledge of Excel, my procedure has
entailed me performing all calculations manually with the aid of a
calculator, and where necessary, transferring data from one section /
page to another. Again, this has been done manually via copy and paste.

Taken together, the sheets represent the details / numbers concerning
the procedures which comprise my workflow.

Over the years, the number of sheets and the type of information sought
has been reduced. I now have them to what I consider a good
representation of my workflow system.The Excel sheets comprise two
different 'sections' - marketing and time tracking.

In turn, my marketing data is subdivided into a section for
administration (monthly-12 pages), business development (quarterly-4
pages) and annual summary (4 pages). I have 12, monthly telephone
sheets, alphabeticised (12 sheets with 6 pages each).

My time tracking sheet contains great details of my projects. This is
more or less a template, and used for each project.To date, this sheet
contains 10 pages, one for each project. Separately, I use another
Excel sheet for an annual summary (3 sheets).I also have monthly
telephone sheets, named for each separate project.

The biggest problems I have are that I can't get the information I want
in 'real-time', I can't get the sheets to do any calculations, and
certainly to correspond to and with each other within each section.

My questions are:

i) is it possible to have Excel meet my requirements and perform the
desired functions, or better to move to Access?

ii) Can Access do what I want?

iii) Or, should I use some other form of form of database package eg.

iv) Or, is it that my requirements are too specialised, and I should
look for something like Project?

v) Or, something entirely different from those mentioned here?

All advice greatly appreciated.





Reading though your post 3 basic items jumped out at me.

The use that you require from the package - which ever you do go for in the
end - is "very" important for your business.
Over the years,
You have been using excell for quite a time
my procedure has entailed me performing all calculations manually
with the aid of a calculator,
You have not learned the "very" basic use of excell

Please do not misunderstand I am not saying this is a bad thing. There are
many (in fact most) people who do not understand (and have no reason to) the
programmes they use every day at work. They only require that they can turn
on a screen and and what they need will appear. Most people have enough to
do without worrying about "how" things work - as long as they "do" work.

From your questions
i) is it possible to have Excel meet my requirements and perform the
desired functions, or better to move to Access?
ii) Can Access do what I want?

The answer to both of these is yes. Excell is very good at manipulating
numbers and access is very good at storing referential information
(includeing numbers) and manipulating the data and presenting it in almost an
unlimited number of ways (which I think is what you are looking for - real
time display of work flow). Of course I have a bias toward access ??

Can I suggest that, as it is obviously "very" important your work, may want
to invest to some cash and ask a consultant to have a look at your
requirments and come up with a brief outline of what access can do

Aanyone who offer to do this amoun of work for free "may" not be the right
type of person to ask as the outline will require quite a bit of work to get
right ??.

Don't forget the access and excel can be used together so - assuming the
consultant knows what they are doing - they should be able to offer advice on
bringing your existing woring into access and also maintain some of the
layouts your are familar with.

Also they will be able to comeup with possibly a "better method" of doing
what you are doing already - leaving you to get on with "more important

There are many consultants available and most will work for a resonable fee
in looking in detail at your workflow and come up with some ideas - note that
from my experience they will also come up with a few simply "frames" (forms
tabes queries) so they can not only "tell" you what they can do but also
"show" you.

Many access developers can work quite happily anywhere - so you can be in
the USA and they can be in Africa - as long as you have broadband (I often
put up forms and let our 5 offices look at them altogether and change them as
suggestions come in in real time).

So have a look around and ask for some quotes BUT - - - - - be very careful
about who you ask to "consult". There are many MVP's on this forum (the MVP
badge is a good sign that you would be getting sound advice) but not all good
consultants have the MVP next to thier name so it is still worth asking
around but if someone has an MVP next to thier name you have at least got
someone who knows what they are talking about........

I am sure if you place a request on this forum you will have some very
qualified people to talk to via e mail at first.

Good luck with your search

Oh yes - before anyone questions this - I do not work for anyone outside the
group of companies that I work for - so I am not looking for work.

Happy new year

John Vinson

i) is it possible to have Excel meet my requirements and perform the
desired functions, or better to move to Access?

Yes, if you use Excel as it's designed to work. Using a calculator in
conjunction with Excel is a bit like using a pair of horses to pull a
nice new Toyota sedan... Excel, used properly, is DESIGNED
specifically to do this kind of work for you!
ii) Can Access do what I want?

Yes. However it will require a total rethinking of your data
structure, transformation of the data, recreation of all your reports,
and a much steeper learning curve than Excel.
iii) Or, should I use some other form of form of database package eg.

If there is an off the shelf package that accomplishes what you want
done, sure. It may not give you exactly what you want but... to quote
the song from the 60's... "you can't always get what you want, but if
you try, sometimes you can get what you need".
iv) Or, is it that my requirements are too specialised, and I should
look for something like Project?

Project would probably end up using both Access and Excel for the data
storage and manipulation, and would be yet more complex than either.
v) Or, something entirely different from those mentioned here?

Again... depends on what you want.

Seriously, I would suggest that you either take some courses or,
better, get a local Excel (or Access) expert to help you put this
existing application (I'm biting my tongue not to call it something
else) into shape. You may be too close to the way you've always worked
with it to really see its current limitations and how to overcome

John W. Vinson[MVP]


Wayne-I-M said:

Reading though your post 3 basic items jumped out at me.

The use that you require from the package - which ever you do go for in the
end - is "very" important for your business.

You have been using excell for quite a time

You have not learned the "very" basic use of excell

Please do not misunderstand I am not saying this is a bad thing. There are
many (in fact most) people who do not understand (and have no reason to) the
programmes they use every day at work. They only require that they can turn
on a screen and and what they need will appear. Most people have enough to
do without worrying about "how" things work - as long as they "do" work.

From your questions

The answer to both of these is yes. Excell is very good at manipulating
numbers and access is very good at storing referential information
(includeing numbers) and manipulating the data and presenting it in almost an
unlimited number of ways (which I think is what you are looking for - real
time display of work flow). Of course I have a bias toward access ??

Thank you for this.

I am too painfully aware of the mistake/ s that I have been
making.There has been much stress, and the literal shedding of some
tears in the continuation of my method. I am an independent operator
('one-man band'), and confess that I have been most unwilling to add my
voice to the chorus of the 'music' which seems to perpetually accompany
such an operation - insufficient time, insufficient information
resources, fixation on cash flow. These and the recognition that I have
gone as far as I can with my improper excel-based method, have led me

Yes, utilisation of a consultant's services would help. However, I was
hoping to realise a solution that could avoid what might very well be a
small fortune for an operator such as myself.

Real-time workflow data is what I seek. I would like the data to be
able to be continuously revised and re-evaluated in the light of new
data contributed by recent projects eg. 'historical' data and recent
data.Ultimately, I would seek that this data 'learn' from the total
data pool, and provide me some suggestions/guidelines, in the form of a
number of possible tables/graphs etc.

Given the above chief objective, your reply has given rise to another
question, namely:

i) which would be the software to seek? Excel, Access, Project, or BPO
(business process organisation) software - designed specifically for
workflow measurement?

Thanks again,



John said:
I would suggest that you either take some courses or,
better, get a local Excel (or Access) expert to help you put this
existing application (I'm biting my tongue not to call it something
else) into shape. You may be too close to the way you've always worked
with it to really see its current limitations and how to overcome

Please see my comment above concerning my recognition of my procedure's
limitations etc.

Regardless, would you be able to comment on BPO software if you know of
it, and if so, its suitability for my desired objective?



Jeff Boyce

I'll pop in here on this item...

It seems like the theme here is that you've been using a tool (Excel) but
haven't had time to actually learn enough about using it to make good use of
what it can do.

Now you are asking about using another piece of software ... are you likely
to have the time to learn to make good use of a new piece of software? If
so, consider, as has been suggested, spending the time to learn to better
use what you already have. If you learn more about it, you may find that it
can meet your needs.

Regards, and Good Luck!

Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

John Vinson

Regardless, would you be able to comment on BPO software if you know of
it, and if so, its suitability for my desired objective?

My only comment would be... if you're strapped for cashflow to improve
your Excel spreadsheets, consider the cost of BPO software. If you
can't afford a small Hyundai sedan, do you really want to shop for a
Mercedes limousine?

Seriously, I think Excel can do what you want. You may just need
another pair of eyes, someone with some Excel experience, maybe not a
high-powered consultant. If you evolve your spreadsheets in the
direction you need you may get better (and faster, and cheaper)
results than starting over with a big-business oriented turnkey
package; and you can fit the program to your needs rather than facing
the Procrustes bed of fitting your business to the program's

John W. Vinson[MVP]


John said:
On 1 Jan 2007 00:02:15 -0800, (e-mail address removed) wrote:

My only comment would be... if you're strapped for cashflow to improve
your Excel spreadsheets, consider the cost of BPO software. If you
can't afford a small Hyundai sedan, do you really want to shop for a
Mercedes limousine?

Seriously, I think Excel can do what you want. You may just need
another pair of eyes, someone with some Excel experience, maybe not a
high-powered consultant. If you evolve your spreadsheets in the
direction you need you may get better (and faster, and cheaper)
results than starting over with a big-business oriented turnkey
package; and you can fit the program to your needs rather than facing
the Procrustes bed of fitting your business to the program's

Thank you.



JD, Access will carry out all the functions your looking for in a data entry
form based interface. Access uses data tables (Customers, Projects,
ProjectDetails etc), and queries (based on those tables) to bring all your
data together in easy to use forms. If you like, email me some basic
information about what you do (Customers, Projects, ProjectDetails etc, not
specific info, just an overview) and I will see what Access can do for you.

missinglinq via AccessMonster.com

Excel was designed to do the very things you speak of, right down to the
calculations! If you haven't managed to learn these very basic functions of
Excel after all this time, the chances of you mastering a more complex
program, such as Access or a custom database, in a short time are virtually
nil. You are at least somewhat familiar with Excel and its interface, so
what I think would be the most cost effective measure would be for you to
expand on this familiarity by taking an introductory course in Excel. Don't
know where you're located, but in the U.S. most states have a community
college/junior college system in place which offer relatively inexpensive
courses and don't require anything in the way of pre-requisites for these
types of courses. Many local (county/city) school systems also offer courses
like this as part of their Adult or Continuing Education programs. The other
advantage of these types of programs is that the other students are apt to be
people just like yourself, with similar problems and goals, which makes it a
great place to network.

Good Luck!

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