Excel Add-ins



Does anybody out there know how to create an xll file? I have some
code that I am running in the Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As
Range) event handler, but I would like to make it an add-in so I can use
it on all my files when I open them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in Advance!

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Aaron Queenan

If you want to handle COM events, you're probably better of writing a COM
add-in rather than a Excel 4 (XLL) add-in.

Using the Visual Studio .NET wizard, select File/New Project, Other
Projects, Extensibility Projects, Shared Add-in, and follow the wizard steps
to create the project.

The other way of making one is to create a simple COM object:

1. Add the following to stdafx.h. For VC++ 6.0, change
"progid:Excel.Workspace" to "C:\Path\Excel.exe".

// Microsoft Add-In Designer Object Library
#import "progid:MSAddnDr.AddInDesigner" auto_rename, auto_search

// Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4192) // automatically excluding 'name'
while importing type library 'library'
#pragma warning(disable : 4298) // identifier in type library
'library' is already a macro; renaming to '__identifier'
#pragma warning(disable : 4337) // cross-referenced type library
'typelib1' in 'typelib2' is being automatically imported
#import "progid:Excel.Workspace" auto_rename, auto_search,
using Excel::IRtdServer;
#pragma warning(pop)

2. Add the following to the .rgs file. Replace 'Plugin.Progid' with your
simple objected progid.

NoRemove Software
NoRemove Microsoft
NoRemove Office
NoRemove Excel
NoRemove AddIns
Description = s 'My plug-in short name'
FriendlyName = s 'Description of my plug-in'
LoadBehavior = d 3

3. Add the following to your class inheritance. NOTE the __uuidof
(Excel::AppEvents) is NOT a typo, even though the Excel::IAppEvents is being
implemented. Visual C++ .NET 2003 (and possibly other versions) doesn't
understand the wierd stuff Office puts in its type library, such as
implementing the dispinterface for the events directly rather than
inheriting from the vtable interface.

public IDispatchImpl<Excel::IAppEvents,
&__uuidof(Excel::AppEvents), &__uuidof(Excel::__Excel),
/* wMajor = */ 1, /* wMinor = */ 4>,
public IDispatchImpl<AddInDesignerObjects::_IDTExtensibility2,
/* wMajor = */ 1, /* wMinor = */ 0>

Note that COM add-ins require Excel 2000 or later.

Aaron Queenan.

EZ Money

Addins have the extension .xla. You can simply Save As that type, then
Tools>Addins>Browse to locate the file. If it is checked in Tools>Addins, it
should be available to you.

Keith Willshaw

Does anybody out there know how to create an xll file? I have some
code that I am running in the Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As
Range) event handler, but I would like to make it an add-in so I can use
it on all my files when I open them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in Advance!

Unless you are an expeirenced C++ programmer (and even if you are)
I wouldnt recommend using XLL add-ins for this.

It will be much simpler to migrate your code to a com add-in
with VB


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