Excel addin from C# - Trap excel events


Karthikeyan N

Am developing an addin for Excel using C#. When i try to trap the
SheetBeforeRightClick event(any event infact) of excel am getting "No such
interface supported" error.
Here is the code
public void OnStartupComplete(ref System.Array custom)
Excel.Application objExlApp = (Excel.Application)applicationObject;
objExlApp .SheetBeforeRightClick += new
public void ExlRightClick_EvtHandler(object Sh,Excel.Range Target,ref bool
MessageBox.Show("Inside right click event handler");
Though it compiles, am getting "No such interface supported" error during
the runtime at the statement objExlApp .SheetBeforeRightClick += new

Please help.

Stephen Bullen

Hi Karthikeyan,
Am developing an addin for Excel using C#. When i try to trap the
SheetBeforeRightClick event(any event infact) of excel am getting "No such
interface supported" error.

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Stephen Bullen
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