Excel and IE Active Workbook Problem



Hi, I have the following situation which I am having trouble with:

I have an .xls file which executes vba code on open. This code does th

1) Shows a FileOpen Dialog Box
2) Opens the file the user selects from the dialog (a .csv) file as
new work book.
3) Performs some formatting / calculation on this new work book.
4) closes the original .xls file leaving only the opened .csv file.

This all works fine if the .xls file is opened directly from window
into Excel.

The problem I have is that the .xls file is accessed using a URL and i
opened in an IE browser window. It seems to be performing all the cod
ie. file dialog opens, user selects file, slight pause while formattin
/ calculations take place but when the original xls file is closed th
browser window just becomes blank. I need someway of telling IE t
display the opened .csv file workbook. Is this possible?

I have read previous posts describing how to cause the downloaded .xl
file to open in Excel rather that a browser window. I think this woul
fix the problem but I would rather avoid this if possible as the xl
file is accessed from a hyperlink by numerous client machines and i
would be a major problem to have to mess around with the window
registry on each machine.

Any help is much appreciated.


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