Excel and linking data between sheets



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I have a study that has 850 lines of data in the "Base Data" sheet. I use this as the basis for all other data sheets and subsequent analysis. Is there a way to, if you will, globally link each row of data (A-T) between the various sheets so that if I make a change on the Base Data sheet, it will migrate to all of the other sheets?

I would be happy to send an example if that would be helpful


Well, if I understand your question you *can* - but are you really sure you
*want* to do this ? :) I don't pretend to know your requirements as well as
you do, but having all that same data appear on multiple sheets just seems
to be a redundancy that will do little more than create a bulky, complex
workbook - perhaps unnecessarily. It would require formula links on each
sheet for each field of each record. According to my calculations that
amounts to 17,850 formula links on *each* of the other sheets.

Before going that route there may be other approaches worthy of
consideration, but you'll need to provide more a specific description of
what your intended plan might be.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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