Excel and Powerpoint with OS 10.2.8


Raoul Carlos

I have Office v.X Student edition, with all of the most recent updates
from MacTopia. I've noticed recently (after having downloaded OS
10.2.8) that when I open up either Excel or Powerpoint, it passes the
Splash image and closes just before it gets to the Project Gallery
Menu (It says the standard: Application quit. No other applications
were affected). However when I open Word everything works perfectly.
Sometimes (but only sometimes), when I open Word and then try and open
a blank PP slide or Excel spreadsheet from the Project Gallery Menu,
both Excel and Powerpoint are able to open.

I've followed all of the instructions on the MacTopia FAQ, run the
Disk Utility mentioned in previous threads and i have still not been
able to resolve my problem. I was wondering if anybody knows of any
other approaches to fix this. I've even tried reinstalling Office as


Mickey Stevens

The DivX codec has been known to cause this problem. If you have the DivX
codec installed, be sure to update to version 5.0.7, which reportedly
corrects this issue with Office X applications crashing.

If that doesn't fix the problem, make sure you have applied the latest
Office updates. Download and install the latest Office X updates, which are
10.1.2, 10.1.4, and 10.1.5 (10.1.3 is unnecessary). They¹re available from

Try repairing permissions.
For OS 10.2.x:
Go to Macintosh HD/Applications/Utilities. Open up Disk Utility. Select
your hard disk, then click the First Aid tab. Click the button to "Repair
Disk Permissions".

Run Disk First Aid. Instructions on how to run it in OS X are located on
the Apple Knowledge Base.

If none of the above helps, open PowerPoint X using a document, and then
go to PowerPoint -> Preferences. Under the "View" tab in the "Show"
section, uncheck " Project Gallery at Startup". Quit and re-launch
PowerPoint and see if it helps. If it does fix it, repeat the same thing
for Excel.

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