Excel.Application process does not clear



Re Office XP (no SP's)

I am using Access VBA (DAO) to generate a spreadsheet from some relevant
Access data like this:-

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
...assign recordset values to relevant cells...

Then clear up with…
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("c:\Windows\Temp\Invoice - " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices.txtInvoiceNo & ".xls")

If (Not objExcel Is Nothing) Then
Set objExcel = Nothing
End If
End sub

The problem is that an Excel process is left running in memory (visible in
Task manager) when the procedure has completed successfully.

Is there a way to remove the Excel process completely from memory?

Many thanks.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Somewhere in the code that you did not post is one or more steps that are
creating new references to EXCEL because the step is not fully qualifying
all references to objects within EXCEL. To assist you, you need to post all
the code.


Thanks for your reply Ken

The complete Procedure follows;

Public Sub ExportToSpreadsheet()
Dim objExcel As Object
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim intCurrentRow As Integer, intRecordCount As Integer,
intCurrentChargeField As Integer

'On Error GoTo Err_ExportToSpreadsheet

'make sure data exists for the selected batch
If IsNull(DLookup("InvoiceNo", "tblInvoiceDetail", "[InvoiceNo] = " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices!txtInvoiceNo)) Then
MsgBox "Cannot find any invoice charges for Invoice: " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices!txtInvoiceNo & "." & vbCrLf & _
"Export cancelled.", vbCritical, "Attention!"
Exit Sub
End If

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Worksheets(1).Name = "HL Invoice Charges" 'Name 'Sheet1' tab

'Need to assign to a query def and reset the parameter - otherwise, Access
generates '3061: Too few parameters. Expected 1'
Set qd = CurrentDb.QueryDefs!qryInvoiceDetail_rptInvoiceByInvoiceNo
qd.Parameters(0) = [Forms]![frmPrintInvoices].[txtInvoiceNo]
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset

If Not rs.EOF Then
intRecordCount = rs.RecordCount
End If

intCurrentRow = 3 'begin at row 3

With objExcel.Worksheets(1)
Do While Not rs.EOF
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 1).Value = rs(4) 'JobNo
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 3).Value = rs!RunDate
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 4).Value = rs!RefNos
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 5).Value = rs!Amount

'With rs 'include charge details where applicable
If rs!CostOfLoad > 0 Then
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "Cost of Load : £" &
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfPallets > 0 And rs!ChargePerPallet Then 'check first of
each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "No of Pallets : " &
rs!NoOfPallets & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfPallets) + 3) & "@ £" &
rs!ChargePerPallet & " per Pallet"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!PricePerTonne > 0 And rs!Tonnage > 0 Then 'check first of
each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "Tonnage : " & rs!Tonnage
& Space(6 - Len(rs!Tonnage) + 3) & "@ £" & rs!PricePerTonne & " per Tonne"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfDays > 0 And rs!CostPerDay > 0 Then 'check first of each
pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "No Of Days : " &
rs!NoOfDays & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfDays) + 3) & "@ £" & rs!CostPerDay & "
per Day"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfMiles > 0 And rs!CostPerMile > 0 Then 'check first of
each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "No of Miles : " &
rs!NoOfMiles & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfMiles) + 3) & "@ £" & rs!CostPerMile &
" per Mile"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfNights > 0 And rs!CostPerNight > 0 Then 'check first of
each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "No of Nights : " &
rs!NoOfNights & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfNights) + 3) & "@ £" & rs!CostPerNight
& " per Night"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfDemurrageHRS > 0 And rs!CostPerDemurrageHR > 0 Then
'check first of each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "Demurrage Hrs : " &
rs!NoOfDemurrageHRS & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfDemurrageHRS) + 3) & "@ £" &
rs!CostPerDemurrageHR & " per Hour"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!FuelSurcharge > 0 Then 'check first of each pair - starting
with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "Fuel Surcharge : £" &
rs!FuelSurcharge & Space(6 - Len(rs!FuelSurcharge) + 2) & "@ " &
rs!PercentageFuelSurcharge & "%"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End With

objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("c:\Windows\Temp\Invoice - " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices.txtInvoiceNo & ".xls") 'create the xls file

If (Not objExcel Is Nothing) Then
Set objExcel = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub

Select Case Err
Case 0
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error!"
Resume Exit_ExportToSpreadsheet
End Select
End Sub

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Somewhere in the code that you did not post is one or more steps that are
creating new references to EXCEL because the step is not fully qualifying
all references to objects within EXCEL. To assist you, you need to post all
the code.


Ken Snell

Pete said:
Re Office XP (no SP's)

I am using Access VBA (DAO) to generate a spreadsheet from some relevant
Access data like this:-

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
...assign recordset values to relevant cells...

Then clear up with.
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("c:\Windows\Temp\Invoice - " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices.txtInvoiceNo & ".xls")

If (Not objExcel Is Nothing) Then
Set objExcel = Nothing
End If
End sub

The problem is that an Excel process is left running in memory (visible in
Task manager) when the procedure has completed successfully.

Is there a way to remove the Excel process completely from memory?

Many thanks.


I have just discovered the solution to the problem.

I have seen (and used) square brackets around the Quit method of the Excel

Removing the square brackets now clears the instance of Excel from memory.

Pete said:
Thanks for your reply Ken

The complete Procedure follows;

Public Sub ExportToSpreadsheet()
Dim objExcel As Object
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim intCurrentRow As Integer, intRecordCount As Integer,
intCurrentChargeField As Integer

'On Error GoTo Err_ExportToSpreadsheet

'make sure data exists for the selected batch
If IsNull(DLookup("InvoiceNo", "tblInvoiceDetail", "[InvoiceNo] = " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices!txtInvoiceNo)) Then
MsgBox "Cannot find any invoice charges for Invoice: " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices!txtInvoiceNo & "." & vbCrLf & _
"Export cancelled.", vbCritical, "Attention!"
Exit Sub
End If

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcel.Worksheets(1).Name = "HL Invoice Charges" 'Name 'Sheet1' tab

'Need to assign to a query def and reset the parameter - otherwise, Access
generates '3061: Too few parameters. Expected 1'
Set qd = CurrentDb.QueryDefs!qryInvoiceDetail_rptInvoiceByInvoiceNo
qd.Parameters(0) = [Forms]![frmPrintInvoices].[txtInvoiceNo]
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset

If Not rs.EOF Then
intRecordCount = rs.RecordCount
End If

intCurrentRow = 3 'begin at row 3

With objExcel.Worksheets(1)
Do While Not rs.EOF
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 1).Value = rs(4) 'JobNo
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 3).Value = rs!RunDate
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 4).Value = rs!RefNos
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 5).Value = rs!Amount

'With rs 'include charge details where applicable
If rs!CostOfLoad > 0 Then
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "Cost of Load : £" &
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfPallets > 0 And rs!ChargePerPallet Then 'check first of
each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "No of Pallets : " &
rs!NoOfPallets & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfPallets) + 3) & "@ £" &
rs!ChargePerPallet & " per Pallet"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!PricePerTonne > 0 And rs!Tonnage > 0 Then 'check first of
each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "Tonnage : " & rs!Tonnage
& Space(6 - Len(rs!Tonnage) + 3) & "@ £" & rs!PricePerTonne & " per Tonne"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfDays > 0 And rs!CostPerDay > 0 Then 'check first of each
pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "No Of Days : " &
rs!NoOfDays & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfDays) + 3) & "@ £" & rs!CostPerDay & "
per Day"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfMiles > 0 And rs!CostPerMile > 0 Then 'check first of
each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "No of Miles : " &
rs!NoOfMiles & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfMiles) + 3) & "@ £" & rs!CostPerMile &
" per Mile"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfNights > 0 And rs!CostPerNight > 0 Then 'check first of
each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "No of Nights : " &
rs!NoOfNights & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfNights) + 3) & "@ £" & rs!CostPerNight
& " per Night"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!NoOfDemurrageHRS > 0 And rs!CostPerDemurrageHR > 0 Then
'check first of each pair - starting with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "Demurrage Hrs : " &
rs!NoOfDemurrageHRS & Space(6 - Len(rs!NoOfDemurrageHRS) + 3) & "@ £" &
rs!CostPerDemurrageHR & " per Hour"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

If rs!FuelSurcharge > 0 Then 'check first of each pair - starting
with field 19 (No Of Pallets)
.Cells(intCurrentRow, 2).Value = "Fuel Surcharge : £" &
rs!FuelSurcharge & Space(6 - Len(rs!FuelSurcharge) + 2) & "@ " &
rs!PercentageFuelSurcharge & "%"
intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End If

intCurrentRow = intCurrentRow + 1
End With

objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("c:\Windows\Temp\Invoice - " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices.txtInvoiceNo & ".xls") 'create the xls file

If (Not objExcel Is Nothing) Then
Set objExcel = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub

Select Case Err
Case 0
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error!"
Resume Exit_ExportToSpreadsheet
End Select
End Sub

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Somewhere in the code that you did not post is one or more steps that are
creating new references to EXCEL because the step is not fully qualifying
all references to objects within EXCEL. To assist you, you need to post all
the code.


Ken Snell

Pete said:
Re Office XP (no SP's)

I am using Access VBA (DAO) to generate a spreadsheet from some relevant
Access data like this:-

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
...assign recordset values to relevant cells...

Then clear up with.
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("c:\Windows\Temp\Invoice - " &
Forms!frmPrintInvoices.txtInvoiceNo & ".xls")

If (Not objExcel Is Nothing) Then
Set objExcel = Nothing
End If
End sub

The problem is that an Excel process is left running in memory (visible in
Task manager) when the procedure has completed successfully.

Is there a way to remove the Excel process completely from memory?

Many thanks.

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