Hi, good day.
I wonder if I could use Excel as a database system. Here is what I'm
trying to achieve.
I'd like to manage a room occupation from an Excel sheet (is it
1. There is a data entry (form?) to enter particular data like Person's
name, his rank, room no, date "from" and date "to"
2. One graph like Gantt chart is created base on the data entry. Each
row represent the room.
3. When I clik to the graph bar, the details who is using the room
should be pop up showing from when to when he/she is using the room.
There may be one or more person using the room (meeting room).
Graph(bar) for each person should pop up. It also nice if I could show
some hint when I bring mouse to the bar (without clicking)
4. Then, when I click to each person bar, I'll be pop up with the
person's details like name, DOB, deparment etc.
Here I attach the try I've made so far but can't go anywhere from here.
Please give me some advice.
Is it possible to do this in Excel? I've a little experience in Excel
and VBA. Other knowledge like DLL, windows registry, etc, I'm afraid
I'm totally lost.
|Filename: Book1.zip |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=3556 |
I wonder if I could use Excel as a database system. Here is what I'm
trying to achieve.
I'd like to manage a room occupation from an Excel sheet (is it
1. There is a data entry (form?) to enter particular data like Person's
name, his rank, room no, date "from" and date "to"
2. One graph like Gantt chart is created base on the data entry. Each
row represent the room.
3. When I clik to the graph bar, the details who is using the room
should be pop up showing from when to when he/she is using the room.
There may be one or more person using the room (meeting room).
Graph(bar) for each person should pop up. It also nice if I could show
some hint when I bring mouse to the bar (without clicking)
4. Then, when I click to each person bar, I'll be pop up with the
person's details like name, DOB, deparment etc.
Here I attach the try I've made so far but can't go anywhere from here.
Please give me some advice.
Is it possible to do this in Excel? I've a little experience in Excel
and VBA. Other knowledge like DLL, windows registry, etc, I'm afraid
I'm totally lost.
|Filename: Book1.zip |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=3556 |