Excel Automation Add-In does not show up in Function Dialog box.


Michael D. Reed

I have built a Excel Automation Add-In that provides in cell functions. When
I use it on the computer with the development environment it works fine. I
can load it as an Automation Add-In and insert it into a cell using the
insert function. How ever when I move it to a computer with just office
w/Excel it can load it like an Automated Add-In. However, the name of the
add-in or the functions name do not show up in the function list. This is
built in VB.Net 2.0 and VSTO. I have installed both the VSTO runtime and the
PIAs (Primary Interop Assemblies) on to the target computer. The add-in I
properly registered. I have tried it with both a signed and unsigned
assembly. Any ideas on what else to do or where to look?

Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Mike,

I would like to know whether you have loaded the Add-in and if you type the
function in your cell, did the function works?

Please let me know whether these KB article is helpful

Excel fails when Automation add-In loads

Excel COM add-ins and Automation add-ins


Wei Lu

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Michael D. Reed

Wei Lu
Yes I typed the name of the function in directly and I get a #NAME? error
The first article did not help because Excel does not fail. The second
article "Excel COM add-ins and Automation add-ins" was helpful but dated. I
used two books:
"Microsoft .NET Development for Microsoft Offrice" by Andrew Whitechaple
Microsoft press
"Visual Studio Tools for Office Usnig Visual basic 2005 with Excel, Word,
Outlook, and InfoPath" by Eric Carter and Eric Lippert, Addison Wesley
I would recommend both
Following the instructions explicitly in both, to build add-ins and as I
said they work just find on the development computer. However, when moved to
a computer with out the development environment they appear as an Automated
Add-in yet do not show in the insert function dialog box of Excel.
I am at a loss of where to look next.

Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Mike,

Thanks for the update.

You can grant permissions to assemblies using Code Access Security Policy
tool (Caspol.exe) or you can add a custom action to the setup project.

Use Caspol.exe to create a code group for the assembly

1. Create a batch file with the following contents and save the batch file
as "SecuritySetup.bat":


@rem - polchgprompt - Enables or disables the prompt that is displayed

@rem - whenever Caspol.exe is run using an option that

@rem - would cause policy changes.

@rem - addgroup - Adds a new code group to the code group hierarchy.

@rem - url - Specifies code that originates from the given URL.

@rem - name - specifies the scripting name for a code group to add.

CD \


caspol.exe -polchgprompt off -u -addgroup All_Code -url <filepath>
FullTrust -name "Word Addin Assembly"

caspol.exe -polchgprompt on



2. At a command prompt, execute the batch file:

Add a custom action to the setup project

Here are a step-by-step article for your reference.


Here are some related links about VSTO and deploy Office solutions. I hope
it will be helpful to you.

1. Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System


2. Configuring Security Policy Using the Code Access Security Policy Tool


3. How to: Grant Permissions to Folders and Assemblies


Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance.


Wei Lu

Microsoft Online Community Support


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most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
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Michael D. Reed

Wei Lu

Running the script to update the code groups did not help. On the test
computers the add in is under My Computer | Runtime Security Policy | User |
Code | All_Code the add in is there with full trust. However, on the
development computer it is not there. I have some scene shots to explain
what the problem is if you give me a plce to send them it seems they are too
larg to post.. I there some setting in excel or module we are missing that
needs to be added to the test computer. This add-in is a direct copy form
Andrew book.

Mike Reed

Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Mike,

I would like to suggest your chek the following things first:

1. You will have a GUID for your DLL in the automation add-in. Check if
the GUID registered on the machine

2. Check if the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<CLSID>\Programmable

Here are some related articles:

FIX: Add-ins, smart documents, or smart tags that you create by using
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 do not run in Office


FIX: You cannot run a customization that was created in Microsoft Visual


Deployment of Managed COM Add-Ins in Office XP


Using the COM Add-in Shim Solution to Deploy Managed COM Add-ins in Office


Information about designing Office XP add-ins and Office 2003 add-ins by
using the .NET Framework



Wei Lu

Microsoft Online Community Support


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Note: The MSDN Managed Newsgroup support offering is for non-urgent issues
where an initial response from the community or a Microsoft Support
Engineer within 1 business day is acceptable. Please note that each follow
up response may take approximately 2 business days as the support
professional working with you may need further investigation to reach the
most efficient resolution. The offering is not appropriate for situations
that require urgent, real-time or phone-based interactions or complex
project analysis and dump analysis issues. Issues of this nature are best
handled working with a dedicated Microsoft Support Engineer by contacting
Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) at

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Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hi ,

How is everything going? Please feel free to let me know if you need any


Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support


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