Excel automation from Access - Excel instance won't close



Hi all,

I wonder if any of you kind folks can shed any light on this.

I have a form in Access designed to get data from an Excel workbook.

Along the way, various bits of processing are done, such as allowing
the user to select a specific worksheet in the workbook, browse for
another file to import, navigate up and down rows within the worksheet
to specify the starting row for the import, clearing out unwanted
columns etc.

When the work is done, I have code designed to close the file, quit
Excel and destroy any object variables used. But although the code
works perfectly, I notice that if I go to the Task Manager after
importing data, Excel is still running.... I am using Vista, so am
wondering if this is some form of security issue with Vista not
allowing one application's code to close another application, but I
suspect it's just something wrong with my code...

Can anyone help?

Here's the code to instantiate Excel, and the code to close it again.
The cleanup code is definitely being run, and doesn't appear to
generate any errors (I've stepped through it, keeping an eye on the
err.number property).

Thanks a lot


--General declarations--
Private xlApp As Excel.Application
Private wb As Excel.Workbook
Private ws As Excel.Worksheet
Private rng As Excel.Range

--Sub to set up the connection--

Sub ConnectToExcelFile()
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then 'Excel not running - start it
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If

Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("My file path and file name.xls")
<snipped code>
End Sub

--Sub to close the connection --

Sub CloseExcelConnection()
On Error Resume Next
wb.Close False
Set rng = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing

End Sub

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