EXCEL BUG (in a graphic) !?????????



Hi all,
I have a problem I cannot solve.. I think it is an EXCEL BUG !!
Could somebody have a quick lok at my spreadsheet.. it should take only
few minutes...

I explain briefly my problem :
I have 2 series on the same graph.
I want to change the shape of specific points : put a big green square
when there is a "B" flag, or put a Big red square when there is a "S"
flag (see the spreadhsset enclosed)

Everything is fine for the second serie but the first one generate
completely random markerstyle and color instead of a red or green
square !
I am calling the same function for both (see in the VBA code) !!

PLEASE..... HELP !!!!!!
Is it a bug or am I becoming mad ??????? :confused: :eek: :eek:

|Filename: TEST.zip |
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=2804 |

Debra Dalgleish

You could try posting your question in the Excel Charting newsgroup.
Instead of attaching a file, that most people won't open, include the
code, and a description of the problem.

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