Excel bugs? Experience with paid ($245) phone support from MS?




Recently I've been working on two relatively large Excel applications, and
both have given me grief in terms of odd behavior from Excel. After a lot of
fooling around and awkward workarounds, I'm nearly convinced that I'm
basically bumping into Excel bugs.

Does anyone have experience with Microsoft's phone support for advanced
issues at $245 a pop? Will they still apply the charge if they determine an
issue to be an Excel problem?

Here's a quick summary of the problems I've found:

1) The Workbook_Open event handler fails to fire. I have a workbook with
multiple sheets. One is the main workhorse of the workbook and rather
complex. If that sheet is the active sheet when the workbook loads, then the
Workbook_Open event handler fails to fire. If another sheet is active when
the workbook loads, the event fires properly. (The workaround is to never
save the workbook while the complex main sheet is the active sheet, but
that's clearly a pain and not exactly user friendly.)

2) In the same workbook as above, again on the main sheet, VBA code will
quit without warning under some conditions. In one case, a menu operation
includes the deletion of some rows (e.g. Selection.Delete), but the VBA
routine quietly quits immediately after the call to the Delete method. To

MsgBox ("Debug: Before Selection.Delete.")
MsgBox ("Debug: After Selection.Delete.")

The "before" message box appears, but the "after" message box never does.

3) In a different workbook, I have some cells with data validation turned
on. The allowed values are from a list and in-cell drop-downs are turned on.
The sheet has a Worksheet_Change event handler, and the event handler code
will quietly die somewhere in the middle when a cell is changed through an
in-cell drop-down. When I change such a cell by typing a new (allowed) value
into it, the event handler works ok and runs to completion. This problem is
actually quite easy to reproduce with a very small worksheet.

4) In the same spreadsheet as (3), Excel will hang during a certain
operation if the VBA development environment is open. I've traced my code
before the hang occurs, and it doesn't appear to be my problem. From the
debugger's perspective, the whole thing gets stuck on a End Sub statement.
The same code works fine under other conditions.

So, I'm about ready to call Microsoft about these issues, but I'm a little
nervous about how they're going to handle this. Is every issue going to cost
me $245? I don't want to make a $1000 phone call.

If any of these problems turns out to be because of my own stupidity, I'm ok
paying the money if I end up with a resolution. If, however, Excel is indeed
buggy, then if anything Microsoft owes me for all of the time I've spent on
these problems. Not that I expect them to pay me, but I don't want to pay the
support charge in that case.

By the way, I've been doing most of my work in Excel 2002 SP3, but I've
found the same behaviors in other versions including Excel 2003.

I'd appreciate any insights you can provide. Thanks!



wolfmeister67 said:
Here's a quick summary of the problems I've found:

1) The Workbook_Open event handler fails to fire. I have a workbook
multiple sheets. One is the main workhorse of the workbook and rather
complex. If that sheet is the active sheet when the workbook loads,
then the
Workbook_Open event handler fails to fire. If another sheet is active
the workbook loads, the event fires properly. (The workaround is to
save the workbook while the complex main sheet is the active sheet,
that's clearly a pain and not exactly user friendly.)

I have this exact problem! 100% exact!
I can not use this work around, as the workhorse is performing a "Save
as", thus I must save. :eek:
My "workhorse" is not complex.


Bernie Deitrick


For the VBA problems, try cleaning your code: download Rob Bovey's utility from


It is rarely a good idea to use the same workbook to develop your application as you use to
distribute it. Often, creating your application by starting from a new workbook and copying and
pasting in the cells (NOT copying and pasting sheets) on new sheets, putting code into new
codemodules, etc - basically not re-using any Excel Object - will keep these sorts of problems from

MS Excel MVP


wolfmeister67 wrote:

2) In the same workbook as above, again on the main sheet, VBA code will
quit without warning under some conditions. In one case, a menu operation
includes the deletion of some rows (e.g. Selection.Delete), but the VBA
routine quietly quits immediately after the call to the Delete method. To

MsgBox ("Debug: Before Selection.Delete.")
MsgBox ("Debug: After Selection.Delete.")

The "before" message box appears, but the "after" message box never does.

Check if you don't have "on error goto...." somewhere in all
procedures which are on call stack.

3) In a different workbook, I have some cells with data validation turned
on. The allowed values are from a list and in-cell drop-downs are turned on.
The sheet has a Worksheet_Change event handler, and the event handler code
will quietly die somewhere in the middle when a cell is changed through an
in-cell drop-down. When I change such a cell by typing a new (allowed) value
into it, the event handler works ok and runs to completion. This problem is
actually quite easy to reproduce with a very small worksheet.

Yes. I have the same.
Worksheet_change event is fired wrong if you use drop-down box to change
value in cell.


Rick_Stanich said:
I have this exact problem! 100% exact!
I can not use this work around, as the workhorse is performing a "Save
as", thus I must save. :eek:
My "workhorse" is not complex.


Hi Rick,

Thanks for the response. I scanned over the thread you linked in above, and
I'm not 100% sure whether our problems are the same thing. Then again, maybe
I'm misreading your description of your problem.

Nevertheless, it's at least nice to know that I might not be alone. ;)



Kris said:
Check if you don't have "on error goto...." somewhere in all
procedures which are on call stack.

Thanks for the tip. I just double-checked, and I'm only one sub deep
(responding to a custom menu item), and there's no "on error goto" anywhere
in sight.
Yes. I have the same.
Worksheet_change event is fired wrong if you use drop-down box to change
value in cell.

Sad. What's especially annoying is that this problem seems to exist in Excel
2000 through 2003 (and maybe more?). It's hard to believe that the folks at
MS have never run into this one, or perhaps it's just really low on their bug
priority list. :(



Hi Bernie,

Thanks for the suggestion. I have to admit, on first reading, the code
cleaner sounded a little bit like laundry balls or something. ;-)

Then again, I guess we're saying that Excel basically accumulates crud under
the hood which the cleaning process manages to discard. I can believe that
(and in my opinion it's a sad statement about Excel that such cleaning is

I tried the cleaner, but unfortunately didn't get any significant benefit.
My event handlers still don't work right, and my code still dies inexplicably
on that Selection.Delete. The problem with the hang did change... Excel no
longer hung but a second or two after completing the code, Excel officially
crashed. Go figure.

Note that I have not yet copied all of the sheets/cells to a blank workbook.
Maybe I'll try that next.


Nick Hebb


I've had similar bad experiences with events not firing. There seem to
be a few that don't do anything.

Back tp your original question, it would be nice to know whether you
have to pay for support if the problem turns out to be an Excel bug. I
have a problem [1 - linked below] that I'd like get some resolution on,
but I'm certainly not going to pay $245 for the priviledge of telling
Microsoft that their software seems to have a bug.


-- Nick Hebb

Bernie Deitrick

What happens if you use something like:

MsgBox ("Debug: Before Selection.Delete.")

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
End With


With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With

MsgBox ("Debug: After Selection.Delete.")

MS Excel MVP

Bernie Deitrick

Also, what happens when you do the deletion manually?

MS Excel MVP


wolfmeister67 said:
Sad. What's especially annoying is that this problem seems to exist in Excel
2000 through 2003 (and maybe more?). It's hard to believe that the folks at
MS have never run into this one, or perhaps it's just really low on their bug
priority list. :(

Excel 97 also has that bug :)


I too have been having the exact same problem with this Excel bug where
the Worksheet_Change event is not firing properly when data validation
cells are changed. I cannot even begin to tell you all how many hours
of grief it has caused me!!!! Can we say class-action lawsuit!?! ;)


auto_open procedures are still valid in xl2003
(but note if you're opening it with automation
you MUST call RunAutoMacros method after opening the wkb

workbook_open events ALWAYS fires
application.enableevents is set to false
user opens the workbook with SHIFT key pressed
code opens the workbook
and somewhere in ANY application the shift key is DOWN

| www.XLsupport.com | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

barry_v wrote in


Well, I think I found MY problem, but I'm not sure it will help anybody

I originally had my Workbook_Open code (and all other code) sitting in
"Sheet1(Sheet1)" under VBAProject--Microsoft Excel Objects. I moved it
all to "ThisWorkbook" and now it works.

I'm not sure what these different sheets are (I guess I need to read
something) but at least I got it working. This is what happens when a
hardware guy writes software.

But in my defense, I haven't come across anything in all the VB and
Excel books I've read anything describing these different
modules(sheets? objects?? whatever the heck they're called).

Hope this helps someone.


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