Excel-called Dotnet DLL is using wrong Framework


Tim Zych

Does anyone know how to get Excel to use the proper Framework for a Dotnet
DLL that needs the 2.0 Framework, but that is installed on a machine with
1.1 and 2.0 Frameworks?

An Excel reference to a VS 2005 (2.0) Windows Application, with an output
type as a Class Library (with ComClass so that Excel can see it), doesn't
run properly because Excel is invoking the 1.1 Framework, which is
incompatible with the .net solution.

When the reference to the project is instantiated in Excel (Set o = New
Project.Class), there is an error "File or assembly name Project, or one of
its dependencies, was not found).

A workaround solution is to create a config file for Excel so that it is
forced to use the 2.0 framework, but the proper solve, I believe, is to get
Excel to invoke the proper framework the project needs, much like the config
file does, but dynamically.

Does anyone know how to fix this? I am using a Setup project to install.


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