Excel Cell Background Colors Disappeared



(Windows XP Home SP 2 and Excel 2002) I have been using and updating an
Excel spreadsheet for several years and suddenly almost all of the cell
background colors have 'faded' to white. This may have been in consort with
my attempt to adjust my screen resolution, but I can't seem to re-find a
resolution that gets me back to 'the good old days', and I cannot 'color' the
backgrounds of Excel cells anymore. Also, it seems that a lot of fonts have
changed on websites; some are way too big and some are way too small, and
some of the website font background colors have also 'faded'. What's


The url cited below returns a 'not found screen' and is thus not helpful to
me. I'm still desperate for a solution, as my internet screens have font
sizes that are all over the map. Also, when I try to register to receive
responses by email, microsoft indicates that I need to respond to a
confirmation email in my inbox, but it is not there and my ISP can't tell me
why I don't receive that confirmation email from microsoft. Now microsoft is
cutting me off because I have tried too many times to get the confirmation


Hi Dave

thanks for this - intrerestingly enough i did copy from a google post
originally but i thought it was before the "beta" one was released?!?
i'll remember to check the links each time before posting :)


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