Excel cell backgrounds


Bob Phillips

No, and why would you want to? To stop people using the spreadsheet?



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


John Seward said:
Can you make cell backgrounds 'flash' i.e. fill/no fill -
if so how?

'To create a blinking cell:
'If you define a new Style (Format / Style / Flash/ Add ) and apply
'that style to the cells you want to flash, paste the following code
'into a module sheet and run the procedure Flash from Auto-Open if
'desired you will get the text flashing alternately white and red.

Dim NextTime As Date

Sub Flash()
NextTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
With ActiveWorkbook.Styles("Flash").Font
If .ColorIndex = 2 Then .ColorIndex = 3 Else .ColorIndex = 2
End With
Application.OnTime NextTime, "Flash"
End Sub

Sub StopIt()
Application.OnTime NextTime, "Flash", schedule:=False
ActiveWorkbook.Styles("Flash").Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End Sub

maybe you could use this ( "Flash").Font and change font to Patterns ? might
work ?

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