Excel Cell (Range) Not Allowing Multiline Text ??????



Hello there ...

I'm Using the Microsoft Office SpreadSheet Object or in other words the
Excel Spreadsheet Object in Visual Basic 2005

The Problem I'm facing is that I can't put a Multiline String into A Cell
when I do that it ignores the Line feedbacks

whether i send it with VbNewline or with Chr(10)
and there is No property called WrapText although it Exists in VBA

so i can't find any Property/Method in the cell (Range) Object that Allows
me to have a Multiline cell.

Does anyone know a Solution to this ?
If not what are the Possible Work-Arrounds ?
Thank you very Much!

Big Daddy

Excel doesnt have a multiline, set the .WrapText = True on selection or


"and there is No property called WrapText although it Exists in VBA"

Thank you for your Reply :) ... but I already Mentioned that the Wraptext
Property doesn't Exist.
Thank you

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