I have an Excel Spreadsheet that contains some information and I'am try to
reference to one cell in the Excel workbook. This cell needs to be entered
into a New Word document Macro so I can go to our Company Intranet and open
the word document that contains the information I need. The information
needed form our Intranet is to be copied and entered into a New Word documeny
that is to be printed.
Example of code.
e = Excel cell
of = "http//www.psc.uss.com/documents/ECP/02/01/" & e & ".doc"
Documents. Open FileName:=of
The above works when I put the Excel cell information in the Macro. I can
then copy all the information needed and the rest of the Macro runs fine.
I am new at writting code for Word, but do a good job of Excel code.
Please help.
reference to one cell in the Excel workbook. This cell needs to be entered
into a New Word document Macro so I can go to our Company Intranet and open
the word document that contains the information I need. The information
needed form our Intranet is to be copied and entered into a New Word documeny
that is to be printed.
Example of code.
e = Excel cell
of = "http//www.psc.uss.com/documents/ECP/02/01/" & e & ".doc"
Documents. Open FileName:=of
The above works when I put the Excel cell information in the Macro. I can
then copy all the information needed and the rest of the Macro runs fine.
I am new at writting code for Word, but do a good job of Excel code.
Please help.