Excel Chart Displaying as Black when saving to a PDF




I'm having a problem where I have an excel Item with charts in a Word

I try to save the file to a PDF and the Excel Item just comes out as
completely Black.

What am I doing wrong? Any Fixes?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

What version of Word and Excel,

How is the Excel item included in Word (paste as picture, linked, etc).

If you're using the Office 2007 PDF Save capability what option settings do you have turned on in the Save dialog?


I'm having a problem where I have an excel Item with charts in a Word

I try to save the file to a PDF and the Excel Item just comes out as
completely Black.

What am I doing wrong? Any Fixes?>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Turns out it's a little more complicated Process.

Here we go, we have a server with Active PDF and Office 2003.

We have workstations with Office 2007.

Our systems generates many reports and combines excel and word documents

They are Linked so you can double click the Chart and it opens the excel
sheet for you to edit.

Our problem is. When someone with Office 07 tries to edit a chart that is
inside a Word Doc and saves(compatibility mode), when we package everything
into a PDF, the chart is black.

If they don't Edit anything in the charts, it comes out fine and if they
edit it using 2003 and save, it also comes out fine.


It seems like it only breaks the process when we do an Update Link on the
embedded Excel sheet in Office 2007...

If we then update the link in 2003 afterwards, the pdf comes out fine..

is there some kind of change or setting on the update link function in 07
that may affect our process?

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