Excel chart in MS Word



Does anyone know how to reference dynamicially named ranges in a chart
contained within an embedded chart in MS Word? I know how to do this in
Excel, but the name of the workbook is needed. As far as I can tell, the
name of the embedded book in Word is "ThisWorkbook", but I get an error when
I try to use it.

Jon Peltier

If the entire workbook is embedded, a quick test here shows that you can use
simply the 'Sheet1!$A$1' link referenced just to the worksheet. ThisWorkbook
is only known to VBA.

- Jon


Jon - that's fine, but I want to use named ranges in my chart. Here's what I
am trying to do. I have a word document that includes an embedded sheet that
can contain up to 32 data points. I have graph_x and graph_y defined
dynamically to represent the length of the data set. The problem is using
these named ranges in the source data dialog. As you know, the normal syntax
includes the name of the workbook followed by a ".xls". I tried to find out
the name of the embedded sheet by doing a query in the immediate window in
VBA, and here is what I got:

Worksheet in C: QC QC standard procedures Official Procedures STP-QC-12.doc

I think you can see my problem. I am starting to suspect there is no way to
do this wihtout invoking VB, which I am hesitant to do because of my lack of
familiarity with Word objects.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Jon Peltier

Define your ranges as sheet-level names. This means when entering the name,
use Sheet1!MyName rather than just MyName. (Jan Karel Pieterse's Name
Manager at http://jkp-ads.com can easily convert global to local names.) The
chart no longer cares what the workbook name is. The series formula says:


Even if I create the name based on the Excel worksheet, after I paste it
into Word, the reference still works. The series formula looks like:

=SERIES(Sheet1!$C$4,'Chart in Document4.doc'!myX,'Chart in

- Jon


Got it about half an hour ago, but thanks for your help. As an adjunct
question, is it possible to dynamically set the axis titles?

Jon Peltier

Select the title, click in the formula bar, type = (the equals key), then
click on the cell you want linked to the title. This works for chart title,
axis titles, textboxes, and data labels.

- Jon


Sorry about that - I should have said in the same embedded workbook in my
Excel sheet. As far as I can figure, this is not something that was ported
to the workbook fucntionality in word documents. I tried the usual ways that
always work in Excel, and none of them did.

Jon Peltier

Why not do the workbook stuff in Excel, and when it's all done, except for
changing the values in the cells, paste it into Word? KISS, eh?

That said, I just pasted a chart into Word, double clicked the chart so it
was open in Excel within the Word document, and used the technique I
described to link the chart title and both axis titles to cells in the
embedded workbook.

- Jon

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