EXCEL charting in 3-D? How do I...



Using Excel 2000, I have a SMALL sheet with four columns
of bank C/D financial info...col 1 is label (bank
name/acct nbr/etc)...col 2 is interest rate...col 3 is
balance...col 4 is maturity date...

What i would ideally like to do is have a chart that shows
dates on horizontal scale/axis...as in a time line...with
each C/D showing either value as width of "bar" and rate
as height/depth or reverse....

I have tried most ALL afternoon but have not discovered
how to get even a second dimension such as rate as
the "height" (Z axis) of bars...that would be adeqate as i
could have a second chart with value as Z axis...

Can it be done? If so, how? THANKS!!!

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