Excel charts in Powerpoint



When I copy and paste, even paste special excel chart, the
chart comes into the powerpoint slide distorted and out of
proportion from the excel chart. When I go back to excel,
the window has been resized. Any ideas on how to stop the
distortion in sizing??

Tushar Mehta

[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.powerpoint with an email
copy to Greg.
Please use the newsgroup for further discussion.]

There is anecdotal evidence that XL charts get messed up if the zoom
magnification is set to anything other than 100%. There was also some
version of XL that had problems with axis text getting
truncated/distorted. The latter was fixed with a support release. For
the former, set the zoom to 100% and then do the copy/paste operations.
Hopefully, that will help -- but there is no guarantee of success.

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Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
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