Excel Charts



I am trying to copy a chart from one workbook to another that are linked
together. when I copy my chart and select paste in my other workbook I get
the error "No more new fonts may be installed in this document". I am able
to copy or move it into my other workbook, but must hit ok to this error
about 15 times before it lets me proceed. What can I do to fix this?


Hi -

You're probably running into internal resource limitations in Excel.
How complex is your source and target workbook? If you've got multiple
charts in both you're going to run into the infamous 256 font
limitation (if you have more than 256 font combinations, Excel runs out
of resources...)



Hi -

You're probably running into internal resource limitations in Excel.
How complex is your source and target workbook? If you've got multiple
charts in both you're going to run into the infamous 256 font
limitation (if you have more than 256 font combinations, Excel runs out
of resources...)


Wow, thanks! I've had the same problem, and wondered about it. I
guess by "font combination", you mean any combination of font, text
size, color, bold/italic/underline, and other richtext options.

Does anybody know if a large number of font combinations would also
cause the size of an Excel file to grow, inexplicably, to many times
what it "should" be? This is another problem I've had, and it seems to
happen in files of mine with many (around 30 or so) charts.



Jon Peltier

What happens with "font resources" is that Excel needs one font resource
per chart, or two if you have font autoscaling enabled. (So I guess
parts of Excel are still living in DOS.)

The VBA and Registry procedures described on this page turn off font
autoscaling, which supposedly doubles the number of charts you can have
without getting that annoying memory error.


- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


I've been bugged by font autoscaling for several years, thanks for
showing how to turn it off.

I've now disabled font autoscaling for all text (except for the 2nd X
axis) and saved this setting in my default chart, so I'll never have to
worry about it again.

Thanks again Jon,



I've been bugged by font autoscaling for several years, thanks for
showing how to turn it off.

I've now disabled font autoscaling for all text (except for the 2nd X
axis) and saved this setting in my default chart, so I'll never have to
worry about it again.

Thanks again Jon,


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