I don't know how much you know/don't know about user forms, so I'llgo
through this in some detail and you can skip over the parts you don't need.
If there are parts you need more help with, just ask.
First, you'll need a way to open your userform once you get it created. For
that we need a regular subroutine. Open your workbook and press [Alt]+[F11]
to open the VB editor. In its menu, choose Insert --> Module and copy and
paste this code into it:
Sub OpenUserForm1()
End Sub
Next, still in the VB editor, choose Insert --> UserForm it should insert a
form named UserForm1 for you. Use the toolbox to add a label and change the
text in it to something like "Surname" or "Last Name". Add a textbox next to
it, that text box's name will be TextBox1. Repeat this process to add
another label ("First Name" in it) and another text box that should be
We're ready for the 2 command buttons: put one on the form and set its text
to something like "Search", and set the second one's text to something like
Right-click in a clear area anywhere on the userform and choose [View Code]
from the list. A module will open up with a 'stub' entry for
UserForm_Click() created. You don't need that. Just copy all the code below
and paste it over anything that the editor provided for you. Your userform
will be ready to use then. To try it all out, close the VB Editor and then
from the Excel worksheet with your list of names on it, use Tools --> Macro
--> Macros to highlight the OpenUserForm macro and use the [Run] button to
open it up for use. Here's the code for the userform:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'the "search" button
'will look for last name entries first
'if match is found, stops completely
'if no match found, checks to see
'if there's an entry in first name box
'and if there is, will search for match
Const whatColor = 3 ' 3=red
Dim searchList As Range
Dim anyEntry As Range
Dim findEntry As String
'get the surname entry
'remove leading/trailing whitespace
'and convert to UPPERCASE for tests
findEntry = UCase(Trim(Me.TextBox1))
If findEntry <> "" Then
'we do have a last name to seek
'look in column B for it
Set searchList = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:" & _
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp). _
Offset(1, 0).Address)
For Each anyEntry In searchList
If UCase(Trim(anyEntry)) = findEntry Then
'name matched, check formatting
If anyEntry.Font.ColorIndex <> whatColor And _
anyEntry.Font.Strikethrough = False Then
Set searchList = Nothing
Exit Sub ' all finished
End If
End If
'if we get here, no match on lastname
'was found, see if we have a first name
'to look for
findEntry = UCase(Trim(Me.TextBox1))
If findEntry <> "" Then
'have a first name to look for
'look in column C for it
Set searchList = ActiveSheet.Range("C1:" & _
ActiveSheet.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp). _
Offset(1, 0).Address)
For Each anyEntry In searchList
If UCase(Trim(anyEntry)) = findEntry Then
'name matched, check formatting
If anyEntry.Font.ColorIndex <> whatColor And _
anyEntry.Font.Strikethrough = False Then
Set searchList = Nothing
Exit Sub ' all finished
End If
End If
End If
'did not have last name, do we have
'a first name to search for
findEntry = UCase(Trim(Me.TextBox2))
If findEntry <> "" Then
'have a first name to look for
'look in column C for it
Set searchList = ActiveSheet.Range("C1:" & _
ActiveSheet.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp). _
Offset(1, 0).Address)
For Each anyEntry In searchList
If UCase(Trim(anyEntry)) = findEntry Then
'name matched, check formatting
If anyEntry.Font.ColorIndex <> whatColor And _
anyEntry.Font.Strikethrough = False Then
Set searchList = Nothing
Exit Sub ' all finished
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'the "cancel" button
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.TextBox1 = "" ' last name box
Me.TextBox2 = "" ' first name box
End Sub
Jeanette said:
I'd really appreciate some help...
I'd like to create a userform with two input boxes - one for Surname,
one for Firstname, two CommandButtons, one to perform action, the
other to cancel.
The action I want to perform is for the user to type a surname in
inputbox1 and then do a search in column B for that surname, that's
NOT red/strikethrough OR for the user to type a Firstname in inputbox2
and do a search for that firstname in column C that's NOT red/
strikethrough. If one of you brilliant techies can help me, I'd be
ever grateful!!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -