Excel Conditional Formula Problem




I'm modeling the development of a 57 unit housing project, and need t
determine the number of units under construction in any given month
The inputs are as follows:

C7: Total Units 57
C8: Unit Construction Start Month: 2
C9: Unit Construction Starts per Month: 2
C10: Unit Construction Cycle (months): 5

Row 48 contains the number of housing starts by month. There are 3
columns, which represent the total months in the project. I've writte
a formula which indicates the number of housing starts per month. C4
through AL46 contain months 1 through 36.

Cell C48 contains the formula:
In this case, the unit starts in month 1 are 0, because the uni
construction start month is 2. Months 2 through 29 have 2 constructio
starts each and month 30 has 1.

What I now need to do is write a formula that calculates the number o
units under construction in any given month. In this case, each uni
takes 5 months to build, so month 1 will show 0, month 2 will show 2
month 3 will show 4, etc., until a peak of 10 units under constructio
is reached for several months in a row. The figure then declines t
zero in month 34. I can't use any fixed values because I need t
perform sensitivity analysis, and I don't know VBA. Any ideas on wha
formula will work? Thanks

Ian Digby

I have a solution which involves changing the structure
of your workbook slightly. If you give me an E-mail
address I'll forward it to you.

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