Excel Conflict - Language




I wrote a Excel Report in English which contains various formulas and
Macros, but when I send it to my colleagues in Germany the File do not
display properly, however my colleagues in Argentina do not have any issues
with it!!!

Is any one have any ideas why this could happen?


Lionel H

A very long time ago (pre '97) I had a workbook with macros which worked in
many countries, but not in Germany. The problem then was that some (but not
all) subroutines whose names were provided by Microsoft had german

So, Auto_Open was the same in both countries, but Auto_Close became (from
memory, and with apologies to any Germans looking in!) Auto_Schliesen in

Auto_Open and Auto_Close have I believe long since gone, but it might just
be worth looking for similar problems in your macros.

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