Excel converts fractions into dates. Make it stop.


James Jensen

Every time I enter a fraction into a cell, Excel automatically converts it
into a date. This is a pain when I am trying to paste a table with fractions,
because I have to go back and manually enter them all.

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Pre-formating only works if you are entering the data by hand or macro, what
if you are pasting a table from word that has fractions, it doesn't matter
what format the cells are in excel, in it's infinite stupidity, it reformats
it to a date, 'cause everyone knows 1/64 is a date. My biggest problem with
Excel/Word/Microsoft is it acting like it knows what you want it to do, I
hate automatic formatting in Excel/Word I can format it myself thank you, and
I will ALWAYS pick the proper format, the program has about a 50-60% rate in
my experience of doing something for me that I like without asking. I can't
stand that I have to resort to posting on a message board to solve a problem
this basic.


Has anyone found a solution to this. This feature is annoying and wastes a
huge amount of time for somthing as simple as copying a table.

Wayne Knazek via OfficeKB.com

If you format the colums (or individual cell) to "text", you can enter a
fraction, if you just need it to "look" like a fraction.

If you format it to "fraction", it will be a numeric fraction. You can
format adjacent cells and perform math functions to the fraction columns,
like . . .

1/4 1/16 5/16

Has anyone found a solution to this. This feature is annoying and wastes a
huge amount of time for somthing as simple as copying a table.
Pre-formating only works if you are entering the data by hand or macro, what
if you are pasting a table from word that has fractions, it doesn't matter
[quoted text clipped - 23 lines]

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