Excel Crashes with one particular file



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel Excel keeps crashing when trying to save this file. When reopening, the file comes up as a "recovered" instance, and when trying to delete the recovered file or "save as" another name, Excel crashes again.

I'm hoping XinXin or someone else from the MBU can help! Thanks

Process: Microsoft Excel [2801]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Excel.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Excel
Identifier: com.microsoft.Excel
Version: 12.1.5 (12.1.5)
Build Info: Unknown-81119~0
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [152]

Date/Time: 2010-01-11 16:46:45.285 +0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.1 (10B504)
Report Version: 6

Interval Since Last Report: 27950 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 7
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 24642 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 7
Anonymous UUID: DEAF1CFF-000C-4C33-9B5D-F6D069EEA160

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000001ed1f6c0
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 com.microsoft.Excel 0x002598c1 0x1000 + 2459841
1 com.microsoft.Excel 0x004c94e9 0x1000 + 5014761
2 com.microsoft.Excel 0x004c9534 0x1000 + 5014836
3 com.microsoft.Excel 0x004c968c 0x1000 + 5015180
4 com.microsoft.Excel 0x004c96e6 0x1000 + 5015270
5 com.microsoft.Excel 0x004c9716 0x1000 + 5015318
6 com.microsoft.Excel 0x0009bc2b 0x1000 + 633899
7 com.microsoft.Excel 0x005de107 0x1000 + 6148359
8 com.microsoft.Excel 0x005de426 0x1000 + 6149158
9 com.microsoft.Excel 0x005de9db 0x1000 + 6150619
10 com.microsoft.Excel 0x0009ae31 0x1000 + 630321
11 com.microsoft.Excel 0x0009af55 0x1000 + 630613
12 com.microsoft.Excel 0x0004c006 0x1000 + 307206
13 com.microsoft.Excel 0x00180b26 0x1000 + 1571622
14 com.microsoft.Excel 0x001873e2 0x1000 + 1598434
15 com.microsoft.Excel 0x00188f8a 0x1000 + 1605514
16 com.microsoft.Excel 0x00881b00 0x1000 + 8915712
17 com.microsoft.Excel 0x00a4a0e7 0x1000 + 10784999
18 com.microsoft.mcp 0x015021b6 MWindow::IsVisible() const + 512
19 com.microsoft.mcp 0x01503560 MEventHandler::FRemoveHandler(unsigned long, unsigned long) + 478
20 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x94032129 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1567
21 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x940313f0 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 411
22 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x94053a81 SendEventToEventTarget + 52
23 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x94150a9f HIWindowButtonView::SendWindowEvent(unsigned long, unsigned long) + 207
24 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x94150b50 HIWindowButtonView::ControlHitSelf(OpaqueControlRef*, short, unsigned long) + 156
25 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x9404683b HIView::EventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 9309
26 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x94032129 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1567
27 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x940313f0 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 411
28 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x94053a81 SendEventToEventTarget + 52
29 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x940a2d4e SendControlHit(HIView*, OpaqueEventRef*, short, unsigned long) + 296
30 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x940a2bcf HIView::NotifyControlHit(OpaqueEventRef*, short, unsigned long) + 45
31 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x9410737b HIView::ClickInternal(CGPoint const&, unsigned long, void (*)(OpaqueControlRef*, short), OpaqueEventRef*, bool) + 245


Hi Jonathan, your Excel hasn't been updated for a while. From the crash log, it tells your Excel is still 12.1.5. The latest version is 12.2.3. Could you please try update and report back? Also, your OS is also not updated to 10.6.2.

XinXin Liu
Macintosh Business Unit, Microsoft

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


XinXin: I know this is basic...but Auto Updater doesn't seem to be working. When I do auto or manual check for updates it indicates there are no updates available for the software. I suspect the Auto Updater itself may be out of date. Any hints?


Honestly, I have no idea why auto-updater stopped working. One thing you can try is to reinstall Office Suite, which will get auto-updater reinstalled. And then you can update your suite to 12.2.3.

XinXin Liu
Macintosh Business Unit, Microsoft


XinXin: I downloaded the patch, updated the software (Mac OS X AND Office) but still get the same thing. I attach the report below:

Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2010-01-12 17:08:24 +0800
Application Name: Microsoft Excel
Application Bundle ID: com.microsoft.Excel
Application Signature: XCEL
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: Microsoft Excel
Crashed Module Version:
Crashed Module Offset: 0x0023779e
Blame Module Name: Microsoft Excel
Blame Module Version:
Blame Module Offset: 0x0023779e
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x0023879e in __mh_execute_header + 0x0023779E (Microsoft Excel + 0x0023779e)
# 2 0x0025843e in __mh_execute_header + 0x0025743E (Microsoft Excel + 0x0025743e)
# 3 0x004c6ce5 in __mh_execute_header + 0x004C5CE5 (Microsoft Excel + 0x004c5ce5)
# 4 0x004c6d30 in __mh_execute_header + 0x004C5D30 (Microsoft Excel + 0x004c5d30)
# 5 0x004c6e88 in __mh_execute_header + 0x004C5E88 (Microsoft Excel + 0x004c5e88)
# 6 0x004c6ee2 in __mh_execute_header + 0x004C5EE2 (Microsoft Excel + 0x004c5ee2)
# 7 0x004c6f12 in __mh_execute_header + 0x004C5F12 (Microsoft Excel + 0x004c5f12)
# 8 0x0009ab3f in __mh_execute_header + 0x00099B3F (Microsoft Excel + 0x00099b3f)
# 9 0x005dbf6f in __mh_execute_header + 0x005DAF6F (Microsoft Excel + 0x005daf6f)
# 10 0x005dc28e in __mh_execute_header + 0x005DB28E (Microsoft Excel + 0x005db28e)
# 11 0x005dc843 in __mh_execute_header + 0x005DB843 (Microsoft Excel + 0x005db843)
# 12 0x00099d45 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00098D45 (Microsoft Excel + 0x00098d45)
# 13 0x00099e69 in __mh_execute_header + 0x00098E69 (Microsoft Excel + 0x00098e69)
# 14 0x0017f8f4 in __mh_execute_header + 0x0017E8F4 (Microsoft Excel + 0x0017e8f4)
# 15 0x0060e0f2 in __mh_execute_header + 0x0060D0F2 (Microsoft Excel + 0x0060d0f2)
# 16 0x01a76af6 in _MsoFCreateToolbarSet + 0x000011BE (MicrosoftOffice + 0x0033faf6)
# 17 0x0148a23b in _McpFCreateIMcpMRFssOffice10 + 0x00000D47 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0002c23b)
# 18 0x0148a37b in _McpFCreateIMcpMRFssOffice10 + 0x00000E87 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x0002c37b)
# 19 0x01529397 in _McpEndCustomizeToolbar + 0x000008B3 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000cb397)
# 20 0x01527e66 in _McpFGetMFODirt + 0x00004DEC (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000c9e66)
# 21 0x973b4e29 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x970704D1 (HIToolbox + 0x00007e29)
# 22 0x973b40f0 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x9706F798 (HIToolbox + 0x000070f0)
# 23 0x973d6981 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x97092029 (HIToolbox + 0x00029981)
# 24 0x97402e3b in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x970BE4E3 (HIToolbox + 0x00055e3b)
# 25 0x97427b20 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x970E31C8 (HIToolbox + 0x0007ab20)
# 26 0x97427ad7 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x970E317F (HIToolbox + 0x0007aad7)
# 27 0x974279d3 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x970E307B (HIToolbox + 0x0007a9d3)
# 28 0x973f7212 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x970B28BA (HIToolbox + 0x0004a212)
# 29 0x975a9144 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x972647EC (HIToolbox + 0x001fc144)
# 30 0x0154c267 in _McpSetWindowBrush + 0x000001E7 (MicrosoftComponentPlugin + 0x000ee267)
# 31 0x973b4e29 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x970704D1 (HIToolbox + 0x00007e29)
# 32 0x973b40f0 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x9706F798 (HIToolbox + 0x000070f0)
# 33 0x973d6981 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x97092029 (HIToolbox + 0x00029981)
# 34 0x973e84f7 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x970A3B9F (HIToolbox + 0x0003b4f7)
# 35 0x973b527a in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x97070922 (HIToolbox + 0x0000827a)
# 36 0x973b40f0 in .objc_class_name_IMKInkInputSession + 0x9706F798 (HIToolbox + 0x000070f0)
# 37 0x973d698


Could you please send me (xinxin@microsoft) a copy of your workbook? I'd love to take a look at this crash.

XinXin Liu
Macintosh Business Unit, Microsoft

John McGhie

"Monolingual" is the usual cause :)

Any software that offers to "compact" your Mac software by removing things
such as "PPC code, and languages you don't need" changes the file set on
your system.

After that, Autoupdate will routinely fail because it can't find the files
it recognises.

The only cure is to do a full Remove Office, then re-install Office, repair
permissions, and reboot.

Hope this helps

XinXin: I know this is basic...but Auto Updater doesn't seem to be working.
When I do auto or manual check for updates it indicates there are no updates
available for the software. I suspect the Auto Updater itself may be out of
date. Any hints?

This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!


John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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