Excel Data -> Word



So I need help with Office.

I have a data sheet in Excel. (NumberID, Name, Addres, Postal Code) and a
lot of data for these groups.

Now I would like Office to import my data into the right slots in my layout
in Word.
Example (page1, ID: (data)
Name: (data)
Addres: (data)
PosteC: (data)
page2, the same thing again but the data for person with
the ID 2 in my excel data, and so on.

Please help, I need this for my school project.


what you are seeking to
do is a mail merge in

the mail merge feature
will want you to assign
a database file.

the excel spreadsheet
will serve as a database.

then in word you will need
to create a form with the
fields to populate with the
data in excel.

however, name will need
to be in a column, address
will have to be in a second
column and so fourth as
the fields in the form will
require the separation of
data via columns.

so for mail merge you will
need to components, i.e.
the excel database and
the form, which can be a
label form.

there is additional help
via words help menu option

or you can go to microsoft.com
office webpage for help with
mail merge.


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- Microsoft Partner
- @hotmail.com
~~~~~~~~~~"share the nirvana" - dbZen

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