Excel database



Hello All,

I am not the best hand at excel, but do recognise the computing powe
it holds. I have a scenario with which i need some help. I am a trader
who buys and sells timber round logs. I receive logs in my log yard an
then i move it to the port and ship it out. Earlier, I had written i
this forum for help with organising log data, and received help fo
which i am very grateful. Now, i need some more help....

The situation is something like this. When ever any supplier, offload
logs in my yard, We cubicate the logs. Volume of the log is calculate
as the average of diameters at either end and length, i.e. we measur
D1, D2, D3 and D4 and take the average of tehse 4 dia's as Averag
Diameter. Volume is calculated as pi*r*r*len.

Now, the price of the log depends on the species and the grade. Grad
of the log depends on teh average diameter of teh log. If the Avg Di
is more than 40 cm it is grade 'A', if it is between 35-40, it is 'B
and less than that is 'C'.

So, to continue with the situation, once the supplier offloads the log
in the park, we cubicate and make something called a "Grading sheet' i
excel. The sheet looks something like this:

Supplier: Date: Receipt Note No.:
Log No. D1 D2 D3 D4 Length Avg D Volume Price

In the above, Receipt Note No. is teh unique no. given to th
transaction. Log No. is also unique to the log and there will be only
log of that no. in the whole yard.

For the above scenario, can somebody pls help on which is the best wa
to organise the data. Is excel better or access ?

Also, once i have finished this i want to perform all the mathematica
calculations like average price, material cost etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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