Excel date calculation



I have a rather large spreadsheet which tracks hospital patient admissions. I
need to identify only those who are admitted in the current month (say
November), but I am getting all patients admitted in November for prior
years, 2005, 2004, etc.

Is there a function that can look at the entered month/year of admission and
compare it with the current month/year to result in a TRUE condition so that
I may identify these individuals?

Thanks in advance,

Gary''s Student

Your very clear statement of the requirement makes this easy:

This is good for November.

This is good for any month

Roger Govier


=TEXT(A1,"yyyy mm")=TEXT(NOW(),"yyyy mm")
This will work for all months


Another way.....


or to make that simpler set up one cell with the formula


which will always generate the 1st day of the current month

then, assuming that date is in cell B1 use the formula



Works great! Thanks!
Not to be too picky, but is there a way to modify the function to return 1
when the contition is true, and 0 if the condition if false?

Roger Govier


Warp the whole formula within a double unary minus.
This coerces True's to 1 and Falses's to 0
=--(TEXT(D1,"yyyy mm")=TEXT(NOW(),"yyyy mm"))

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