Excel display compressed (tiny cells)


Ed Atchison

Somehow I have messed up my Excel configuration.

Every time I start Excel, I get a window with very tiny cells all
jammed together and I am unable
to get a normal looking view back. You cannot even see or enter
anything in the cells.

I have re-installed Excel, updated with the latest patches, tossed
preference files for Excel, and any MS Office cache files I could

Any Excel file I open on this machine looks like this. I found a
thread on this group regarding this problem but there was no

Thanks for any help,

JE McGimpsey

Somehow I have messed up my Excel configuration.

Every time I start Excel, I get a window with very tiny cells all
jammed together and I am unable
to get a normal looking view back. You cannot even see or enter
anything in the cells.

I have re-installed Excel, updated with the latest patches, tossed
preference files for Excel, and any MS Office cache files I could

Any Excel file I open on this machine looks like this. I found a
thread on this group regarding this problem but there was no

Thanks for any help,

Small cells are usually a result of a change in the Standard font size

If you've tossed the preference files (with XL closed), then emptied the
trash, I've only got one suggestion. Since you don't say which version
of XL and which OS, I'll assume XL v.X:

Check the

HD:Applications:Microsoft Office X:Office:Startup:Excel

folder for a file named "Workbook". If it's there, that's the file that
XL will use as a template for new workbooks.

Note that in OSX, you may need to empty the trash to completely sever
the link with preference files. Again, this should be done with Office
applications closed (XL reads in the preferences on startup, then writes
them back out on shutdown - if you delete the prefs files with XL open,
XL will write the bad data back out when it closes).

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