Excel Document not Saved posting removed




I wonder why my post has been removed? Because I was suggesting that Excel
2003 has an issue? Well, I haven't found a solution anywhere for the Document
Not Saved error. What does this tell me? There is no solution? Maybe there
will be a solution with the next service pack???

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Microsoft only hosts this usergroup, but does not control content! You post
could have dissapeared for a number of reasons, the most common one being
technicla problems experienced. Why don't you just repost? I am sure
someone will be able to assist you with your problem. As far as I know the
majority of people frequenting this group do not work for Microsoft, and we
all know that computers are finnicky machines. We also know that people
sometimes experience problems with programs, often because of errors, either
on the user side or on the progrm side, or on the hardware side, and
sometimes out of lack of knowledge. But hey, we help each other as far as we


Hi apar, did you ever get a response to this issue, I have a customer who's
on a fresh install of office 03 with Sp2, he was trying to save as to his
desktop and was getting the same message "document not saved" even if you try
a network drive, USB key, same message. I also tried to send as attachment,
but Outlook will not invoke to launch. I copied and pasted the file into
another work book, but some of the data did not carry over when you do that.
I seen this issue before with another customer on Office 97, I ended up
putting him on Office 03, and I'm assuming his issue went away.

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