Excel - e-mail font



I've asked this question 3 times now in the past year and every time I get a
response from an "expert" who gives me a canned answer without really reading
my question. Here goes again.

I have Office 2000. I use Outlook not Outlook Express. I have the default
font set in Excel, Word and Outlook to Century Gothic. However, when I
intitiate an e-mail from inside Excel (File - Send to - Mail Recepient (as
attachment), the little e-mail window that pops us is not full-fledged
Outlook and the default font is Arial. How do I change this?

Dave Peterson

It would have been nice if you had shared that canned expert--so that we know
what you tried--and what failed.

If the canned response was:
open internet explorer
Tools|Internet Options|Programs
Change the E-mail program to Outlook (not outlook express???)

If it's already set to Outlook, change it to something else, apply the changes
and change it back.

If that's the answer you already got 3 times,....

And if this doesn't work, you may want to explain what full-fledged outlook

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