Excel Error - Please Help



I'm running Office 2007 Ent Edition, With Vista Business SP2. When ever I
try to double click a document I get the following error

Windows cannot find 'C:\Users\jmunafo\Dekstop\"FILENAME" ' Make sure you
tyoed the name correctly and try again.

I'm getting frustrated with this issue. I am not typing the name I am
actually double clicking the icon. But when I try to open it from the dialog
box in excel it is fine.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


if you can open it from the dialog in excel.....then this is not an excel
problem. seems to be a windows problem.
I think your desktop icon has lost it reference to the file so you might
just right click the icon and reestablish the link. you may need to search
for the file(brouse) to reset the path. if the probem persists, i would
suggest that you post to a windows forum.


Thanks... It's not a link/shortcut issue either. The actual file is on my
desktop and I have deleted it and re-saved it and still the same results. It
is occuring with all my excel files on my laptop, including all excel files
in "My Documents". It is not affecting word, powerpoint, or outlook.


In case anyone else has this issue. Here is the fix for it.

1. Open Excel 2007
2. Click the Office Icon in the top left.
3. Select Excel Options
4. Click Advanced
5. Scroll Down to General
6- Un-tick "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)".

Stephen in Victoria Australia

Excellent... I've been fumbling around for hours and John's fix seems to have
done the trick.
Many thanks

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