Excel Error



I'm using Office XP with Windows 98SE. When I open Excel, I get an error
message," C:\ProgramFiles Documents to Go\DVZXLAddin.xla could not be
found." I know why this is happening: I moved the Documents to Go folder to
my D drive, but Excel is on my C drive. What do I need to change to stop
getting this message? Is there a problem with having the two in different
partitions? Thank you.

Pat Garard

In Excel:
Tools>Addins and click "Browse"
Navigate to D:\Documents to Go\
Click on "DVZXLAddin.xla "
Click "OK"
Make sure the Addin is shown and is ticked then Click "OK"


Thanks, but that didn't work. It was already checked off. (I tried
unchecking and doing it again, but it didn't help.) The problem seems to be
that Excel is looking for it on my C drive, but I relocated it to my D

Dave Peterson

Excel also starts up files that are mentioned in the Windows registry.

In xl2002, the registry key is:
(look for OPEN, OPEN1, OPEN2, etc.)

I think that these have to be in nice consecutive order. So you might have to
rename some to make them consecutive again (after you delete the offending one).

And since you're working in the registry, make sure you back it up before you
start. If you're unsure, you might seek help from your ITS department.


This is on my home computer, so there is no IT department! I'm not
comfortable fooling around with the registry. Would it help if I uninstalled
Documents to Go and then reinstalled it in the D drive (where it's supposed
to be now)?

Dave Peterson

I don't know.

I've never heard of "documents to go".

I have the same setup as you (win98 and xl2002).

Just in case you want to try the registry stuff, just read this until you feel
confident (maybe print it and use it as a checklist.):

Windows Start Button

First thing is to back it up:
Registry|Export Registry File
export "all" of the registry--just give it a nice name
(I have a folder that I store backups in. I name the files reg_yyyy_mm_dd.reg)

This could take 30 seconds to a couple minutes (depending on your pc's speed).

The window you're looking at is a lot like Windows|Explorer. On the left hand
side, you can expand branches by clicking on the pluses.

The first branch you want to expand is:

Under that, you'll expand:


(If you've upgraded from different versions of office, you'll see other
branches. (I have a branch called Excel and another called "Microsoft
Office"--but those are just junk left over (that I'm afraid to clean up!))

Under the Office branch, you'll see
Expand this one. It's for xl2002.

Under 10.0, expand

Under Excel, click on "Options"

You'll see the right hand side fill up with a lot of info.

In fact, on the right hand side, you're going to look for Open (and Open1 and
open2 and open3...)

I have two Opens (Open and Open1):
Open points to: /R "C:\MSOffice\Office10\Library\Analysis\ANALYS32.XLL"
Open1 points to: "C:\MSOffice\Office10\Library\Analysis\ATPVBAEN.XLA"

(these two are used with the analysis toolpak--one for excel proper and one for

If you see something that looks like: DVZXLAddin.xla under any of those Open
keys, then you've found the culprit.

If you don't see it, you can close Regedit and relax.

If you do see it, you're going to have to do a little (just a little) more work.

If it's Open# with the highest number, then you can just click on it (in the
right hand side) and hit the delete key (on the keyboard). You should get
prompted to verify the delete. Close up the registry and test out excel.

If it's not the highest number, you still want to delete that key. But notice
how many are after after it. Each of those have to be renamed to make sure the
sequence is still in consecutive order.

Just right click on that OPEN# and select rename. Type in the new number.
(repeat until you're done with all of them.)

Now backup your registry (using a different name) and close up regedit.


If you didn't find DVZXLAddin.xla in the list of OPEN#'s, then post back.


Thanks for your detailed instructions. Documents to Go is a program that
allows me to use MS programs on my Palm. I don't even use Excel there--too
tiny--but I'd like to clear up this problem when I use it on my computer.
OK, I backed up the registry and found only one Open in Excel, and sure
enough, it was for the C drive for the DVZXLAddin.xla file. I wasn't sure
what to do with it because it was the _only_ Open that was there. Should I
delete it? Change the entry to point to the D drive? If I delete it, am I
eliminating the only Open that's there? As you can see, I'm not sure what
Open means.


Dave Peterson

Open means that it'll open each time excel starts.

I've never heard of dvxladdin.xla either. Do you use it?

If no, then I'd delete it. If you decide later that you were too hasty, you
could use tools|addins and point at the D: drive version.

(I wouldn't bother to fix the value.)

Thanks for your detailed instructions. Documents to Go is a program that
allows me to use MS programs on my Palm. I don't even use Excel there--too
tiny--but I'd like to clear up this problem when I use it on my computer.
OK, I backed up the registry and found only one Open in Excel, and sure
enough, it was for the C drive for the DVZXLAddin.xla file. I wasn't sure
what to do with it because it was the _only_ Open that was there. Should I
delete it? Change the entry to point to the D drive? If I delete it, am I
eliminating the only Open that's there? As you can see, I'm not sure what
Open means.



I did it and Excel now opens without the error message. I'll know in time
how Documents to Go is working! Thanks for all your help.

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