Excel Error



We have encountered a problem with Microsoft Excel 2003 Professional
running on a Windows XP SP2 client. When the user logs into Windows we
encounter the below error message. This happens before the user has
even started an Office 2003 application:

'Microsoft Office Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Then we have the option to 'Restart Microsoft Office Excel' (tick

If we select the tick box and click the 'Send' button we can start
Excel in safe mode. We can also start Excel in normal mode as well.

So far we have tried:
Add-Remove Programs - Microsoft Office - Re-install/Repair (checking
the box to repair links)
Opened Excel in Safe Mode, then existed.
Entered Excel - About - Fix error (checking both boxes) and ran the
Removed and reinstalled the Excel program.

We are out of ideas to fix this minor but annoying problem. We have
tried looking on Google for some solutions, but can't find what we are
after. Hope this is enough information for someone to come up with a
solution for us.


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