Excel extracting Headers and Body text from MS Word



Hi All,

Does anyone know of any code examples of Excel extracting Headers and
Body text from MS Word which can be used and manipulated by excel?

So say if I had header 1,2,3,4 in the MS Word document, and I want to
have the header and body text from header 2 & 4 say to be concatenated
or displayed in the same text box in an Excel UserForm - I am assuming
this is possible, but have no idea where to start.

Can anyone help me please?

Tom Ogilvy

the best place to start would be in a word programming newsgroup. 75% of
your request is specific to programming the word object model, so asking word
experts would lead you to the best solutions for that part of the question.
Putting the text string you get from word into a textbox is trivial.

General information on automating an office application:

Microsoft Office 97 Automation Help File Available on MSL

OFF2000: Microsoft Office 2000 Automation Help File Available

either should be fine for xl97 - xl2003.

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