Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

When I open excel files received from others it opens in the default format size for excel 2008 which means smaller font size, row height etc.

How do i get it to open automatically in the format in which sender had originally created the file?

I do not want to waste time changing the row height, font size each time I receive a file.

Thanks in advance


Unless there's some undisclosed problem the font size & row height aren't
"changing" ‹ What you're most likely witnessing is that the display on your
Mac is a higher resolution than that of the originating PC & uses a slightly
different aspect ratio. Since the file opens at the same Zoom at which it
was last saved everything looks smaller ‹ and you see more columns & rows.

Simply increase the Zoom (perhaps 125%) in order to overcome the
"shrinkage"... I believe you can also create an Apple Script to set the Zoom
automatically but I'm not really up on scripting.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

JE McGimpsey

CyberTaz said:
I believe you can also create an Apple Script to set the Zoom
automatically but I'm not really up on scripting.

Here's one I have to toggle the zoom. I saved it in the

Microsoft User Data/Excel Script Menu Items

folder with the file name "Toggle Zoom\coZ.scpt" so that I could use the
keyboard shortcut CTRL-OPT-z to zoom on and off.

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
tell active window
if zoom = 100 then
set zoom to 133
set zoom to 100
end if
end tell
end tell

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