excel font problems



I am just bought microsoft office:mac when i try to open excel a pop
up box comes up and says "the font american typewriter is corrupt and
should be removed" i then click ok and another box pops up and says the
same thing about the next font on my machine.. it goes through every
font i have. no other programs have any problems with fonts.

help please

Barry Wainwright

I am just bought microsoft office:mac when i try to open excel a pop
up box comes up and says "the font american typewriter is corrupt and
should be removed" i then click ok and another box pops up and says the
same thing about the next font on my machine.. it goes through every
font i have. no other programs have any problems with fonts.

help please

Try deleting this file:

~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office Font Cache (11)


hi, i'm having a similar problem, but I can't delete this file. Tras
says it's in use...
help, i need to write an invoice and can't use office :


done it. if anyone else is having this problem you need to open termina
and type
sudo rm -rf
hit return, then drag the awkward file onto Terminal screen
hit return, type in your password, you won't see it on screen.
hit return and it's gone


me again. managed to delete the file. but excel still aint working.
I installed a load (too many to number) fonts yesterday and I don
think Excel likes them.
i've tried going thru them to delete all the new ones but even so
Excel is not at all happ

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