Excel-Font Size Box-Increase Font -Help!


Jason O

Hi all,

This is my 1st posting so wondered if you could help. I use the 'increase
font size' button in a custom toolbar but am getting annoyed that the font
sizes it jumps to are ONLY those in the usual 'font size' box, (i.e from 8
to 72 in mainly increments of at LEAST 2). My old PC version of Office used
to jump in 1 point increments (So I could go, for example from 10 to
11,12,13,14,15,16,17 etc. for immediate size comparisons).

Does anyone know of anything I can do/download to change the 'increase font
size' button from increases of 2pt to 1pt?

Any help greatly appreciated.


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I know of no way (short of VBA, perhaps) to change the behavior of the
button. It is designed to jump to the next available size in the predefined
list of sizes (the content of which varies depending on font). However, I
have always found it easy enough to click the displayed size value (not open
the list), type whatever size I want, then press Return. You can use any
value you wish, in list or not, in .5 point increments.

HTH |:>)

Jason O

Thanks for the input - this is what I have been doing - It just niggles at
me when I can't do something on mac that I COULD do on a PC! (Forgetting for
a moment the miriad of ways in which macs are better (dashboard, expose,
spotlight ...where do I stop?) - there are a FEW things which don't switch

Cheers mate,

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I just added the Increase Font Size button to a toolbar in Excel 2003
on a PC & found that it works identically to the equivalent on the
Mac... increments based on values in the list for the currently
selected font. IOW, if 17 isn't in the list the button doesn't go form
16 to 17, but goes to the next available value. I don't know what
version of Excel you referred to in the op, but I don't remember the
button ever working differently... but then, I seldom used it.

Perhaps you can take some satisfaction from the fact that you _can't_
do it on the PC anymore, either :)

Regards |:>)

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